What LOve means

By Meg Peters
Review Co-Editor
It’s no secret that the people who live in Lake Orion and Orion Township know there’s a little something different about this ‘northern? neck of the woods.
From the Baldwin corridor, to the lake folks to the downtown, people truly believe in one simple motto: neighbors helping neighbors.
Some call living here a vacation, some call it passion, and most call it LOve, or Lake Orion love.
Because the people of Orion are not afraid to show their love, in times of celebration, and especially in times of need.
Since the beginning of year, already close to $150,000 has been raised your neighbors for several community members and their families who needed extra funds for medical expenses.
A large-scale benefit concert was created for one little girl and her struggle with cancer, with proceeds going on to build her an entire first-floor bedroom needed for her diagnosis.
When a giant hail storm last spring pulled 100 year old trees into the streets, onto roofs and automobiles, the community’s neighbors got their chainsaws out, favorite restaurants donated and delivered food, and local businesses were used as headquarters to organize for the help that slowly put infrastructure back into place.
And, people are not afraid to have a little fun while jumping into action.
Dragon on the Lake, the Holly Jolly Folly, Orion Art Center Gala, Babes on Broadway, the Lake Orion Fireworks Association’s annual show, countless fundraisers at Buffalo Wild Wings and other establishments’these events prove getting together for a cause is one of the best ways to make the magic happen.
So, just to give Orion some kudos, The’Review’has put together a compilation of the unique experiences from a host of faces’you may, or may not have seen before.
Brad Jacobson, District State Representative ??
‘Our family has ties in the area since the 1860’s. My Grandma and Grandpa Jacobsen met at a dance on Park Island in the early 20’s.? I think of the stories they told every day. Two stand out.
Harold, my grandpa, was with his buddy Dewey Kimble at the dance. ? He inquired of Dewey who the two girls were across the way. It was Ethel Tripp of Oxford and her friend Louella Sharpe, or Trippy and Sharpie. ? ?
Harold commented that Ethel was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and was going to marry her. ?
And, he did.
The other was while he was ‘courting? her. They went out in a rented canoe. Grandma was not a strong swimmer. It capsized. ? Grandpa said with his heavy wool dress trousers and jacket on he could barely keep himself afloat, but managed and saved the ‘girl of his dreams.? Grandma said it was years before she would get near a boat with him.?
Lisa Cummins, Dragon on the Lake founder
‘I want to tell you of so many fond memories here in LO. It is the volunteers of this community that came my way when I first moved here. The first one being my neighbor who introduced me to the historical society and opened my eyes to the history of this beautiful place. The Purple Gang, the Mafia, and the pranksters who started the dragon roaring. I was fascinated.
‘I then moved on to the promotions committee and took part in many fun events with more great people. I met a few of our great police officers who showed up at our house just a few days later because they were chasing a felon down Lapeer road who decide to jump out of his car and off the bridge into the lake and swim to our house.
What an adventure.
‘After that it was on to the Orion Art Center where I met so many fabulous, fun people. I then found myself brainstorming and became one of the four founders of DOTL. I have scary but funny memories, one being witness to James Jenkins trying to relocate a vendor’s electrical cord, and as he plugged into the telephone pole I watched him get thrown across the horseshoe pits.’Very funny to watch, glad it wasn’t me.
‘I got mine later when I was working the Dragon Pub. The refrigerated beer truck that I had been working in all weekend suddenly decided to close behind me. (The last day, the last half hour of the festival.) It was pitch black inside. I knew how the truck was laid out and I knew everything that was in it. So I worked my way to the front of the truck climbing over cases of wine and beer.
‘I found the side door and slid the door lock up and down and then up and down and up and down again to no avail. I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face it was so dark and getting a little cold. I then realized I had the key in my pocket to the outside lock. So if someone found me they couldn’t open the door anyway. I had now been in there for about 10 minutes. If I didn’t get help soon I would not be found till morning probably frozen to death. So I then started (what any normal person would do) to kick my feet against the door and yell for help. A couple of festival goers were on their way out and heard me. They ran back to the pub where our M.C. Nate (the great) rescued me. And here I am to tell the story.
‘So many fun times. It’s a great place to live. Thanks for the memories.?
Zander Schons
‘I LOve Lake Orion because the community built me and my friends a special playground so I can sit in my wheelchair and swing!?
JoAnn Van Tassel
‘I love Orion because to me it typifies what small town America is all about – people who reach out and help others whether it’s raising funds to fight cancer? helping neighbors clean up after a massive storm’supporting our seniors? running youth ball and soccer leagues’donating food for the FISH pantry or household goods and clothes for Love INC…giving generously to help a family with a child with a serious illness’or showing appreciation for our veterans whether they served in World War II or just last week or in any action in between.
‘People who care and demonstrate it every day is what makes Orion special.?
Suzanne Perrault, Director of the Downtown Development Authority
‘A few years ago, a partnership between Stadium Drive Elementary School and downtown Lake Orion was made.? With the help of a teacher there, Mrs. Patti LaReau, students and families at that school agreed to raise money for a new park entrance sign in Meek’s Park.? Meek’s Park is often one of the undiscovered gems in downtown and a new sign would hopefully help bring more visitors to the park.?
‘A group of fourth graders from Stadium came down to Meek’s Park so they could see what their efforts were going towards. A couple of classrooms of children were standing on the Meek’s Park bridge (near the Orion Art Center), and we broke them into two groups, half yelled ‘Meek’s? while the other half yelled ‘Park?.? For a minute or so, all you could hear was children yelling ‘Meek’s!? ? ‘Park!? ? ‘Meek’s!? ? ‘Park!? ? ‘Meek’s!? ? ‘Park!?
‘It was one of those moments for me where I just thought, I love my job. I love this community. Hopefully, these children will carry a fond memory of the downtown and community building with them into adulthood.? Their efforts raised enough funding, matched with funding from the Lake Orion DDA, to build an entryway sign that now stands at the entrance of Meek’s Park off of South Broadway Street between Lake Orion Lumber and M & B Graphics.?
Lieutenant Dan Toth, Orion Station Commander
‘The Lake Orion 4th of July celebrations are a great example of the deep-rooted passion our residents have. Having ‘a front row seat behind the scenes? so to speak, I have the opportunity to see a lot of the inner workings of what is happening throughout the greater Lake Orion area and all the passion that goes into the day-to-day activities and special events. This Orion passion to work hard, play hard and carry on our great American traditions is year round.
‘However, on July 4th I am always amazed and extremely proud of how this ‘Orion Dragon Passion? culminates into what Independence Day celebrations are really about: the passion for personal freedom with respect for others while still working together for the greater good. No better example of our Dragon Passion is the Fourth of July fireworks celebrations in and around Lake Orion. This is a unique part of Americana and Lake Orion culture that families and friends pass on.
Getting this many people together in one place and doing it safely is a tribute to all the residents who care about their freedoms, their neighbors freedom and our communities civic pride. What I witnessed this past 4th of July is another outstanding example of how well our citizens work together and respect one another. The actual fireworks display represents our very own Dragon’s Passion. Keep passing it on.?
Dawn Priebe, tireless volunteer
‘What do I love most about Lake Orion?
The Ladies. This community is comprised of some of the most amazing women I have ever met. If you’re in need they cook, clean, host fundraisers and send cards of encouragement. If you’re in the mood to celebrate they will meet you at The Detroit Bar and Grill or The C Pub to raise a glass. If you need to get your children to the soccer field, they will fill up the mini-van and drive the car pool. Strong, dedicated, committed women? those are the ladies of Lake Orion and I don’t care who you are, you know one of them.?
James Jenkins, Executive Director of the Orion Art Center
‘Every year for the last seven years, a small group of people and I have spent much time and effort preparing to host and produce the Dragon on the Lake Festival.’Each year, it is a labor of love for all of us.
‘No one has poured more into this festival than the original four people that started it: Sue Turpen, Lisa Cummins, Reggie Harrison and myself. There from the beginning was also Cindy Wheeler. Rob Cavanagh, the dragon boat king of SE Michigan came on in year three and replaced Sandy Mabery. That being said, there have been countless many that have also contributed and their time and effort has made a huge difference and is much appreciated. While there isn’t enough space to mention everyone, you know who you are and you are appreciated.
‘It’s hard to believe how much the event has grown and how the community has embraced it. It’s been truly humbling to be a part of something that is so great for Lake Orion.’Through all of it, we have tried to keep’the arts as a piece of the event but also make it something the community can be very proud of.
‘We have been rained’on, yelled at, insulted, electrocuted, soaked in beer, cried, laughed and worked very hard together to make the magic happen each year. It’s lots of hard work but all the challenges go away when you stand there and watch it all happen, see the faces of the kids and adults having such a good time, see the community connect and engage, and of course see lots of people having a great time in the Dragon Pub and grooving to some great music.
‘I am told it seems pretty well done from the outside. From the inside, it always amazes me’that so few can do so much. Of course, we want to grow the group and this is a shameless call for more help.
‘This year, we grow again and add a Friday night family movie in Greens Park and a Friday night fundraiser on Pelton’s Point. Tickets will be available and both will be prime spots to see this year’s lighted boat parade up close and personal.
‘Friday night will also see the Knights of Columbus team handle the Dragon Pub and feature’Planet of Fun (Hey Wagon Wheelers.)?
‘The Lakeside Living show will now be the Made in the USA Arts & Crafts Fair in addition to a merchants? row. Art, music, food, drinks, dragon boats and’fun for all ages: We hope to see you at this year’s event and be sure to call the OAC to find out how you can get involved too.?
Alaina Campbell, Director of the Orion Area Chamber of Commerce
‘My best memory is when the LOHS football team won the state championship in 2010. We cut the spirit signs out of the’LO Review’and mounted them on poster board and went to the high school for the big sendoff with the police escort. And then we went to the game with our signs to cheer the team to victory. We went to G’s Pizza afterwards where we might have helped steal the football statue so the whole team could sign and return it. A very memorable day.
Marion Ginopolis, Superintendent, Lake Orion schools
‘My top 10 reasons for loving Lake Orion!?
#10’Closer than driving to Oxford
#9? ‘Kroger Gas Station Discount
#8? ‘Mr.C’s Car Wash
#7? Great restaurants
#6?’Drive-thru Starbucks
#5?’Barb at’Rumorz’Hair Salon
#4?’Beautiful Lakes
#2?’Dedicated Families
And my #1 reason for loving Lake Orion is’GREAT KIDS.?
Joe Zimmer, owner of Culvers
‘My love for Lake Orion is quite simple. After living here for thirty-six years, more’than half my life, it’s my neighbors,’customers, and employees who have’supported me in all my businesses in Lake Orion, and most importantly helped our Culvers be number one in our region.
‘It is the great school system that has allowed my three daughters to go on to college and have bright futures.
One of my most’memorable experiences is when the chamber of commerce’voted me ‘The Business Person of the Year.?
‘However, I think one of the’best memories’I have is when my wife, Sue’of forty-six years’and three daughters truly surprised me on my 70th birthday party the day after’Christmas 2013. I still can’t believe that they pulled’it off without me knowing about it. I was pleasantly surprised with the many family members and friends who’showed up.
‘Thank you family. You are everything.?
Jerry Narsh, Lake Orion Police Chief
‘Any one of a hundred days spent on the lake, dinner downtown, then home. Home close enough I can walk downtown and hear the sounds of the lake. Lake O is home.?
Bob Smith, Fire Chief
‘What I have to say about my love for Orion is not necessarily unique, funny or outrageous however Orion and the Village is a special community.? I was born and grew up in Plymouth, Michigan and that was like Lake Orion in many ways.? Plymouth was that small quaint little community where everyone knew everyone like Lake Orion.? ?
‘After I got out of the service I moved around a little but ended up in this little northern community of Orion Township.?
‘Being from the Plymouth area this felt like way up north.? Even my parents complained constantly because of the long drive.? I have an aunt and uncle who married in the early 50’s and honeymooned in the Rustic Cabins on M-24 in the Village and they commented one day at a family function when they learned of where I moved to, ‘Wow we didn’t realize you moved that far north.?
‘The very first weekend I moved into Lake Orion I went in search of a barber. Yes, I used to have hair.? I found Larry who ended up being a longtime barber in Lake Orion.?
‘In that one afternoon I learned plenty about Lake Orion.? The town Jimmy Hoffa called home was the biggest thing.? The Polish Princess was the local hangout and all of the young people hung out at the Wildwood Inn in Groveland, which burned down a few years later or the Wagon Wheel right down the street where I sat in that barber chair. Bob Seger Played at the Ski Lodge at Bald Mountain.
‘But these are not the things that intrigued me about Lake Orion.? What intrigues me is how just about everything people touch in this community grows to proportions that far exceed anyone’s imagination.
‘Examples; I participated in the very first ‘Lighted Christmas Parade?.? I drove a Fire Truck and there were three wreckers, a couple Oakland County Road Commission vehicles, a small band, maybe a float or two and took all of seven minutes to pass through town.? We started at the Ehman Center and all fit in the side parking lot with room to spare.?
‘I am assuming Santa was there but I can’t remember. Now look at what Lake Orion and all of the volunteers turn out every year.? This has become such an amazing great parade that has all kinds of participation.? Dragon on the Lake started small and has blossomed in to such an event that people have it marked on their calendars almost the day after it ends.?
‘Boat races have turned into a whole community involvement with great rivalries and so much fun for everyone. The Fireworks get better and better every year.?
These things would not grow into such great events if it wasn’t for so many people who care about this community and want to make sure everyone has an enjoyable time.
‘Lastly, the reason why I love this community is the great following and support everyone shows towards our beloved high school sports.? Year after year the Lake Orion School sports program has such a huge following and to see this constant support from not only the parents of young people involved but people from all over the community.?
‘I have been involved with the varsity football program going on 16 years now and whenever I think I need to ‘Get a Life? I just need to walk around the stadium on any given Friday evening and I see hundreds of faces of Lake Orion people who have been here as long as me or longer and they are there to support these wonderful young people that come through our great school system.?