Village of Lake Orion
Board of Zoning Appeals
A Regular Meeting of the Village of Lake Orion Board of Zoning Appeals will be held on THURSDAY, October 2, 2003, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Lake Orion Village Hall 37 E. Flint St., Lake Orion, MI 48362
The following applications, for Zoning Ordinance variances, will be considered:
Case No. A-03-05 Property Address; 284 Lakeview (Scolari)
Proposal: To replace the existing unattached garage with an attached garage (500 sq. ft.) and various additions to the existing house.
Applicant’s Request to Rescind this Proposal.
Case No. A-03-11 Property Address: 560 Barron (Cavanagh)
Proposal: To replace the two (2) existing nonconforming detached garages with a 25.3′ x 31.3′ garage attached by a 2nd story breezeway, with stor- age on the upper level and alter and expand an existing nonconforming structure consisting of:
Two story house addition attached to the existing boathouse, dwelling
Replace a nonconforming deck (lake side)
Construct a new 2nd story deck along the lake side of the 2 story house addition
Erect a 4′ high picket fence along the south (street) and part of the east property lines.
This proposal will require ten (10) variances, as follows:
1. To permit a nonconforming structure to be structurally altered when alterations do not conform to the Zoning Ordinance.
2. To permit the extension of a nonconforming use (resi- dential dwelling in a boathouse)
3. To expand and structurally alter an existing nonconforming building.
4. Structural Alterations Exceeding 50% of the 2003 SEV
$ 16,151 permitted
$ 180,000 proposed
$163,849 variance requested
5. Front (Lake) Yard Setback 25.00 ft. required
(Proposed Addition) 18.46 fl. proposed
6.54 ft. variance requested
6. Water’s Edge Setback 25.00 ft. required
(Proposed Addition) 18.46 ft. proposed
6.54 ft. variance requested
7. Rear (Street) Yard Setback 25.00 ft. required
(Proposed Garage) 15.20 fl. proposed
(to overhang)
9.80 ft. variance requested
8. Maximum Floor Area 750 sq. ft. permitted
(Accessory Buildings) 1,584 sq. ft. proposed
(2 floors)
834 sq. ft. variance requested
9. Maximum Height 14.00 ft. permitted
(Accessory Buildings) 15.96 ft. proposed
1.96 ft. variance requested
10. To permit the erection of a four (4) ft. picket fence farther toward the street lot line than the rear of the house or a side door
Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Village Office at (248) 693-8391.
In the spirit of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with a disability should feel free to contact the Village Office, at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the meeting, if requesting accommodations.
Arlene M. Nichols
Village Clerk
Publish in The Lake Orion Review September 24, 2003.
Posted: September 19, 2003.
Lake Orion
Interested persons are invited to comment on the proposed collocation of wireless telecommunications equipment on the structure located near 35 W. Flint Street in Lake Orion, Michigan 48362, with respect to potential effects of the proposed on any historic property. Comments should be directed to: Project Orion c/o Impact7G, Inc., Attention Mr. Jon Reis at 6505 Merle Hay Road, Ste B, Johnston, IA 50131 or call 515-473-6256.
Any leaves which are raked to the curb by Monday, April 25, 2011 will be picked up by the Village leaf vacuum. This will be the FINAL leaf pick up for this season. Brush and limbs cannot be mixed with leaves.
COMPOST/YARD WASTE collection service will be provided by Richfield Equities, LLC on the regular garbage pick up date until November 28, 2011.
Approved Compost Containers are:
Trash Containers Clearly Marked ‘COMPOST?.
Compost Bags (available at retail stores).
Arlene M. Nichols
Village Clerk
Publish: Lake Orion Review ? April 20, 2011.
Notice is hereby given that beginning the first week of November 2008, the level of Lake Orion will be slowly lowered about one (1?) foot to reach the normal low water mark for Winter. Lowering will not flood Paint Creek and the lowering will be completed by the third Friday in November (November 21, 2008).
This notice is being given as a courtesy to residents to allow for safe removal of all water crafts from Lake Orion.
NOTE: This is NOT to be confused with the ‘drawdown? that takes place every five (5) years for dock and seawall repairs.
Arlene M. Nichols, Village Clerk
Publish: The Lake Orion Review –
October 29, November 5, 12, 2008.
Notice is hereby given that beginning the first week of November 2005, the level of Lake Orion will be slowly lowered about one (1?) foot to reach the normal low water mark for Winter. Lowering will not flood Paint Creek and the lowering will be completed by the third Friday in November (November 18, 2005).
This notice is being given as a courtesy to residents to allow for safe removal of all water crafts from Lake Orion.
NOTE: This is NOT to be confused with the ‘drawdown? that takes place every five (5) years for dock and seawall repairs.
Arlene M. Nichols, Village Clerk
Publish: The Lake Orion Review – October 26, November 2, 9, 2005.