Almanac! One month to go; let it snow

Journey back with me to my 1-room country school days, carrying my sandwich lunches in a pail, up hill both ways in deep snow, etc.
The sandwich part came to me this week when I was overcome with a need for a peanut butter and bread and butter pickle sandwich.
I was so overcome with this yen that I drove to the store and got a pint size jar of bread and butter pickles.
I knew right where the peanut butter was, so I was all set when I got home.
I forgot temporarily that I don’t keep the peanut butter in the refrigerator, but I looked there.
Pushing jars and bottles aside I found THREE half-full pint jars of bread and butter pickles.
My peanut butter was in the kitchen cabinet.
Regardless, my sandwich was just as good as I remember it from a lifetime ago.
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? Physical therapy has really changed. They don’t have me doing push-ups or chin-ups. Now I’m told to squeeze my buttocks several times a day and pull in my belly button often without holding my breath.
? What is there about this year, 2012, that has made Veterans Day in November more conscious than previous years since 1945? I’ve been invited to three lunches this year, and none the previous 6?
? The million-a-minute commercials for gold prompted me to ask about the popularity of gold crowns for teeth today. Seems people prefer white teeth more now and Dr. Mike says white porcelain is used mostly. However, he says, gold is a wonderful metal for fillings. By the way, when the gold crown is removed he gives it to the patient. Most recently an 18 karat filling brought $35.
? Someone give me the statistics that proved more winners of millions of dollars in lotteries end up drunks than gleeful. I believe less than one percent of lottery ticket buyers think about the awful consequences instant money brings to families.
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Car builders are putting way too many icons on car dashboards these days. So, mostly I ignore things like “low tire” pictures. That sign was in front of me when I put my car in the garage recently. The next time I drove it I got less than 50 feet when the thump of a flat tire roused me. I guess it was more than “low.”
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About December, The Old Farmer’s Almanac has this poetic weather prediction:
Roads are icy, driving dicey. Mild but sopping;
Better do your holiday shopping. Rainy, snowy; cold and blowy;
Look out below;
Yow! Santa’s driving a plow! Feeling yuckier?
Hope `13 is luckier!
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The public mouthpiece for President Obama is Jay Carney. A woman named Luland speaks for the Pentagon. After viewing each many times I’ve concluded their qualifications are: Emotionless. Monotonous speaking. Expressionless. Enormous dodging, ignoring, evasiveness and subterfuge answers.
Of course they were hired to do these things to cover their bosses rears and to explain what they meant to say. ie them a raise, Carney and Luland are very good at what they do.
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Be satisfied.
Be grateful.