Editor’s Note: Earlier this month, The Citizen e-mailed questions to candidates in Atlas, Brandon and Groveland Townships. The partisan primary election is Aug. 6.
Candidates were limited to 35-word responses. Key: (D) Democrat, (R) Republican and (I) Incumbent.

Atlas Township Supervisor
Name & years in the district: Jim Busch, lived in Grand Blanc from 1992 to 2018. We built and moved into our forever home in Atlas in 2018.
Occupation & government experience: Navy Veteran. Retired from Bose in October 2023. Served on the Atlas ZBA, BOR, PC Advisory Council and High Speed Internet Committee. Was deputy supervisor, unanimously appointed upon Supervisor Kuatman-Jones’ retirement.
According to the 2020 Census, Atlas Township population growth was among the top in Genesee County. If elected, how will you assure the established rural character in the township? Maintaining our rural character is a very important task of the Atlas Township Supervisor, and I will work tirelessly to ensure this task is completed to the best of my ability.
Name & years in the district: Katherine “Katie” Vick. 20 years ago my husband and I built our home

within the Village of Goodrich where we are raising our 3 children.
Occupation & government experience: Township Clerk eight years, Certified Michigan Professional Municipal Clerk, Certified Municipal Clerk, Accredited Election Official, President/Vice Pres.-Gov. Clerks of Genesee County, Treasurer-GC Chapter of MI Twp. Assoc.,Trustee-Clerks and Treasurers Assoc.
According to the 2020 Census, Atlas Township population growth was among the top in Genesee County. If elected, how will you assure the established rural character in the township? I’ve established great relationships at the county, state level and know how to put a plan into action. Utilizing Master plan engage stakeholders, prioritize agriculture/green-space and uphold our zoning ordinances.

Atlas Township Clerk
Name & years in the district: Toni A. Yaklin, 19 Years.
Occupation & government experience: Current Atlas Township Deputy Clerk
According to the 2020 Census, Atlas Township population growth was among the top in Genesee County. If elected, how will you assure the established rural character in the township? With the census showing major growth, perhaps it’s time to be a little less rural and embrace it, while keeping our small town feel through proper established zoning.

Atlas Township Treasurer
Name & years in the district: Ann Marie Moore, I have lived in Atlas Township for 30 years.
Occupation & government experience: I am the Treasurer for Atlas Township, and have been for over 20 years. Treasurer for Genesee County Clerk and Treasurers Association. I also serve on the Atlas Township Zoning Board of Appeals
According to the 2020 Census, Atlas Township population growth was among the top in Genesee County. If elected, how will you assure the established rural character in the township? As a citizen, Township Board member and member of the ZBA. I take my job very seriously to maintain the style of living each family in this community has come to know and love.

Atlas Township Trustee (Vote for 2)
Name & years in the district: Tracy Butcher, 35 years in district minus a few I lived in Burton in my first house.
Occupation & government experience: Small Business Owner/Realtor.
According to the 2020 Census, Atlas Township population growth was among the top in Genesee County. If elected, how will you assure the established rural character in the township? Zoning districts, guided by the master plan, ensure our rural character by directing development and supporting planning officials.

Name & years in the district: Patrick Major. Lived in Goodrich 32 years
Occupation & government experience: Business owner. 12 years Atlas Township Trustee; 12 years township planning commission; two years township fire advisory board; two years 911 Consortium Representative; Atlas Township Road Commission Advisory Board.
According to the 2020 Census, Atlas Township population growth was among the top in Genesee County. If elected, how will you assure the established rural character in the township? I have a proven voting record at Atlas Township as a “Keep the Country, Country” guy. I will continue to monitor development in our township and to support our master plan.

Name & years in the district: Traci Sasser, 40 years
Occupation & government experience: For the past 26 years I’ve been the Deputy Clerk, Deputy Treasurer, Administrative Assistant & Building Department Manager for the Village of Goodrich amongst a few other hats. State of Michigan Certified Election Inspectors.
According to the 2020 Census, Atlas Township population growth was among the top in Genesee County. If elected, how will you assure the established rural character in the township? Atlas Township is currently updating our Master Plan. The Steering Committee compiles research and analyzes the communities recommendations for future plans. By following the Master Plan we will continue to thrive in rural character.

Name & years in the district: Michael Varacalli. Moved here from Linden a little over 7 years ago and live on a 10 acre parcel with my wife. Very happy our daughter, son-in-law, and grandson purchased a 7 acre lot.
Occupation & government experience: 25+ years owner of Calabria Village in Linden, was on the Linden fire department/ medical first responder for 5 years, an advisory committee member for the master plan for Atlas Township for the last year.
According to the 2020 Census, Atlas Township population growth was among the top in Genesee County. If elected, how will you assure the established rural character in the township? I’ll follow through with the master plan that I helped developed which is to keep the township rural, keep development slow, fight to keep the lots big, and encourage peace and quiet for outdoor activities.
Oakland County Commissioner, seventh district
Name & years in the district: Bob Hoffman

Occupation & government experience: Oakland County Commissioner, District 7, 2010-present; small business owner, farmer; Waterford Township supervisor, 1984-1988; chairman Highland Equestrian Land Conservancy, Holly DDA, Oakland County Solid Waste Board; Highland ZBA 25 years.
Oakland County population density is concentrated in the southern communities. If elected, how will you assure representation in more rural Brandon Township? I represent my district first and Oakland County second. This is a position where you can actually help the residents. I believe I have a good working relationship with other elected officials.
Derek Marshall (D) did not respond to questions.
Genesee County Commissioner, fifth district
Name & years in the district: James Avery. 49 years in 5th District

Occupation & government experience: Executive Director for a nonprofit. I have served a combined 13 years as a school board member. I have also served three years as the 5th District Commissioner. Currently Board Chair of the Commission.
If elected, how will you provide for the unique needs of smaller communities in your district? Objective to be voice of Atlas Township community. Intervened on several instances where my constituents had concerns or issues that needed resolve. I strive for constituents to be heard, solutions found.
Name & years in the district: John Wellington, 27 Years

Occupation & government experience: Retired GM Engineer of 44 years / Precinct delegate in 1984 and 2022. Weekly Dog Walker Volunteer at Genesee County Animal Shelter since 2022.
If elected, how will you provide for the unique needs of smaller communities in your district? Ensure Atlas/Goodrich receive the same representation as larger cities. Resist consolidation of our district courts into Flint, balance county’s budget without making communities finance excess spending, fund county pension liabilities.
66th House of Representatives
Name & years in the district: Randy LeVasseur, Oxford Township resident since 2020.

Occupation & government experience: Attorney since 1988, leads successful real estate law firm, founded a business saving homeowners on property taxes, Royal Oak City Commissioner for three years before moving to Oxford.
What is your vision for the future of the 66th District? What changes would you advocate and why? Work with local officials and other representatives to achieve community goals, boost Michigan’s economy, adopt common-sense policies. Unlike our current representative, experience and temperament ensure effective representation for our community.
Name & years in the district: Josh Schriver. Josh and his wife Gabby have lived in Oxford, Michigan

for the past 4 years.
Occupation & government experience: State Representative; Autism Clinician. Helped stop bills to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Halted revitalization program that delivered a return of 11 cents for every tax dollar spent from 2008-2015.
What is your vision for the future of the 66th District? What changes would you advocate and why? Life without parole for illegals convicted of violent crimes. Ban taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Reduce personal income tax. Increase road funding without tax hikes by eliminating wasteful spending. Pay down pension liabilities.
Shawn Almeranti-Crosby (D) did not respond to questions.
68th House of Representatives
Name & years in the district: David Martin. Moved to Davison in 1970, I’m a 1979 graduate of

Davison High School. Recently the House district was redrawn to include Davison. Mother was born in Goodrich in 1936.
Occupation & government experience: Retired US Air Force. Recent Veterans Services Coordinator Mott CC. Davison City Council 2009-13, Genesee County Commissioner 2017-20, State Representative 2021-current.
What is your vision for the future of the 68th District? What changes would you advocate and why? Support resilient infrastructure for failing septic systems, last mile internet, and a reliable electrical grid. Reduce taxes, reform regulations to create environment for residents to live, work, and retire here.
Editors note: Former state Rep. Tim Sneller, and candidate for the 68th State House seat, died July 11 at the age of 68. Sneller did respond to The Citizen Voter’s Guide prior to his death. He will still appear on the August primary ballot due to closeness to the election.
Since Sneller was the only Democrat on the partisan primary ballot the party will have the opportunity to select a candidate for the November general election. That name is given to the Secretary of State and the clerks from Genesee and Oakland counties for them to reprint the November ballots.