Sullivan earns entrepreneurial fellowship

Most college students usually spend their freshman year awkwardly adjusting to their new academic and social surroundings. Not Sean Sullivan. He was busy taking a crash course in entrepreneurship by founding and operating his own campus business for four years. With drive like that, it’s no wonder the 24-year-old Oxford resident was named one of […]

Council considers regulating rentals

A proposed ordinance that would mandate the registration and inspection of residential rental units in Oxford Village sparked an age-old debate concerning property rights versus the public good at the July 23 council meeting. ‘Although I appreciate and respect the need for some sort of inspection ordinance, I think this one is rather intrusive,? said […]

Village voters may decide dispatch issue

A motion to pursue a contract with the Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept. for police dispatch services failed in a 3-2 vote last week by the Oxford Village Council. But the big question is will village voters agree with that decision should the issue make its way to the ballot. ‘We need to figure out a […]

LO proposal means $40K loss for Oxford

A proposal from the Village of Lake Orion to begin contracting with the Oxford Village Police Department for 9-1-1/police dispatch services caused a bit of stir at last week’s council meeting. ‘Unless I’m reading it wrong, it’s going to cost us more money,? said village President Tony Albensi. ‘You read it right,? said village attorney […]

The bullet is ready! Are you?

At 3:01 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3, some lucky individual is going to be the proud owner of a genuine silver bullet just like the ones the Lone Ranger uses as his calling card. Folks who have earned silver certificates through the Silver Bullet Good Deeds contest that began July 2 are asked to bring them […]

The Lone Ranger rides . . . on 4 wheels?

The Lone Ranger atop his mighty steed Silver is a familiar sight to many Americans. But Lake Orion resident Ann (Anderson) Starrs has some old photographs that show sometimes the Lone Ranger traded four thundering hooves for four sturdy tires. Starrs recently provided the Leader with photos of Oxford resident Brace Beemer, who portrayed the […]

Village moves forward with East Alley project

After many years of discussion and planning, it appears the East (or Edison) Alley project is finally moving forward. Last week, the Oxford Village Council voted 5-0 to pay the Pontiac-based Nowak & Fraus Engineers up to $3,600 to do some preliminary engineering on the project and direct the village manager to present various funding […]

Council to explore proposal to turn municipal complex into townhouses

A proposal to turn the Oxford Village municipal complex (18-22 W. Burdick St.) into a townhouse development will be further explored and the findings brought back to council at its Aug. 27 meeting. ‘I would like to see us move forward with this,? said village President Tony Albensi, who noted he’s excited about the amount […]

Village considers time limits on fireworks

The ability to shoot off fireworks at any time during the 30 days a year designated by state law may be coming to an end in Oxford Village. Last week, council scheduled a public hearing for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27 to learn what citizens think about the municipality possibly amending its fireworks ordinance to […]

Veaches wet their lines in trout fisherman’s mecca

‘It’s like it was fate.? That’s how Alan Veach described his big win. On the same day the Oxford resident was watching ‘A River Runs Through It,? a classic 1992 film about flying fishing in Montana, he won a trip to the trout fisherman’s mecca. Thanks to a raffle held by Montana’s Rib & Chop […]