Grant money just keeps rolling in to the Oxford Fire Department. The department was recently awarded $173,024 from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Oxford will add $19,224 in matching dollars to that award in order to purchase 28 brand new Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) units for firefighters. […]
An undetermined number of Charter Communications customers in Oxford, Addison and Brandon townships lost their cable television, internet and telephone services for a couple days last week when a downed power line destroyed a fiber optic cable on Monday, July 15. A storm blew through that evening, knocking down a high-voltage electrical transmission line on […]
Opinions were mixed as folks gathered July 11 to ask questions and give their input regarding the potential creation of an 860-acre multiuse adventure park centered around off-road vehicle (ORV) use in Oxford Township. ‘I don’t think this is going to be a positive thing for Oxford,? said Lisa Caloia, owner of Freestyle Farm on […]
For the second time this year, the Oxford Village Council will be tasked with filling an empty seat. Last week, village President Tony Albensi announced his plans to resign from council because he and his family are moving out of Oxford. ‘There’s really not much to say,? he told this reporter. ‘I just wanted to […]
It’s official ? Oxford Township sewer rates are going to double beginning Oct. 1 in order to stop the system from operating at an annual loss of approximately $900,000. Last week, township officials voted 7-0 to increase the non-metered sewer rate from $86 per Residential Equivalent Unit (REU) every six months to $86 per REU […]
‘It hasn’t hit me yet. It probably won’t until the morning of the parade.? That’s how Leonard resident Fredric Ashley described his feelings about he and his wife of 38 years, Cindy, being named parade Grand Marshals for the 61st Annual Leonard Strawberry Festival set for Saturday, July 20. ‘It’s an honor,? said Fredric, who’s […]
Over the last 60 years, Leonard’s Strawberry Festival has endured blistering heat and pouring rain. There’s no way a little road construction is going to stop folks from enjoying this annual slice of small town life scheduled for Saturday, July 20. With Rochester Rd. ? one of two main roads leading in and out of […]
Take one look at Todd Drolshagen and it’s easy to see why this imposing figure’s nickname is ‘Tank.? He’s 230 pounds of solid muscle that looks as if he’d have absolutely no problem taking out anyone or anything that stands in his way. But looks can be deceiving as this 46-year-old, who resides in the […]
Oxford Township officials last week took the first step toward limiting the times when folks can shoot off fireworks 30 days each year. Officials unanimously approved the first reading of a proposed ordinance amendment that prohibits the ignition, discharge or use of consumer fireworks between the hours of 12 midnight and 8 a.m. on the […]
Once again, downtown Oxford has received validation from the outside world for its efforts in terms of economic development. Last week, Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced that Oxford was among 10 downtown communities to receive national accreditation for 2012 from the National Main Street Center in Washington D.C. ‘It’s nice to finally hear […]