Oxford Village attorney Robert Davis confirmed the municipality is considering seeking criminal charges in connection with approximately $21,000 in missing property tax payments. ‘I’m not going to say (against) who yet,? he said. The potential criminal charges stem from the findings of a forensic audit conducted by Karl Haiser, a certified public accountant and certified […]
Madonna Van Fossen won’t receive any severance pay, but the Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA) will get a temporary cash infusion to cover its deficit. Last week, the village council voted 4-1 to deny the DDA board’s request that Van Fossen, who’s last day on the job was June 26, be given a $3,015 severance […]
A new school could be coming to the Village of Oxford. Oxford United Methodist Church (OUMC) has agreed to negotiate a lease to provide space to Breyleigh Christian School, a new tuition-based school that would serve K-8 students of all denominations. ‘It would be open to everyone,? said Mayville resident Marilyn Campbell, a spokesperson for […]
ADDISON TWP. ? A 17-year-old Shelby Township girl got the shock of her life ? literally ? when she was tasered following an alleged altercation between her and an Oakland County Sheriff’s deputy June 30. The girl, who authorities said admitted to consuming 16 alcoholic beverages, was one of several people partying around a bon […]
When it comes to covering events involving local veterans, celebrating patriotism and remembering America’s history on the battlefield, Oxford’s television and print media are always there, day and night. In recognition of their ‘exceptional? efforts, Bill Service, production supervisor for Oxford Community Television (OCTV), and C.J. Carnacchio, editor of the Oxford Leader, were each presented […]
Good news for Oxford Township’s 2,490 water customers ? there’s no need for any rate increases at this point. Last week, the Water and Sewer Committee voted 3-0 to recommend to the township board that it leave water-related charges ? which includes usage rates, new connection fees and debt reduction charges ? ‘as is for […]
House of His Presence-North honored government leaders and public safety personnel with a special ‘God and Country? service held Sunday morning at Oxford Middle School.
Skerbeck Carnival returned to Oxford last week as the centerpiece of the Seymour Celebration held at Seymour Lake Township Park. Kids of all ages had a blast playing all the games and riding all the rides. Kudos to the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department for a job well done.
Nancy Gleisner did not order any medical equipment, but someone tried their best to convince her that she had. She didn’t fall for it and now the 76-year-old Oxford Township resident is sounding the alarm about a potential fraudulent scheme. ‘It sounded like a new scam that’s being perpetrated (against) seniors,? Gleisner said. ‘I thought […]
More than 250 folks turned out Tuesday evening to watch a sneak preview of Disney’s new Lone Ranger movie at the Oxford 7 Theater and celebrate this town’s connection to Brace Beemer, the man who brought the legendary character to life on WXYZ radio from 1941-54.