DDA faces budget woes

Madonna Van Fossen could be out of a job or find herself working only part-time as executive director of the Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA). ‘I’m not taking it personally,? she said. ‘I’m totally good with whatever decision (is made).? Cutting Van Fossen is just one of the options on the table as the village […]

No tax hike, $300K reserve in proposed village budget

Things are looking up. That seemed to be the overall theme of Oxford Village’s proposed 2013-14 budget when it was presented to council last week by Manager Joe Young. ‘The good news is we’re above water here,? he said. The village is projected to maintain a fund balance (or cash reserves) of approximately $300,000 ? […]

Entries sought for Lone Ranger parade

What’s more fun than watching a parade? Being in a parade, of course. Entries for the Saturday, Aug. 3 Lone Ranger parade are now being accepted. The parade will celebrate both the 80th anniversary of the first Lone Ranger radio broadcast in 1933 on WXYZ radio in Detroit and Oxford’s historical connection to the famous […]

Oxford gets One Stop Ready

Five years ago, Oxford government was viewed by developers and businesses as ‘hard to work with.? ‘It really hurt us,? said Todd Bell, chairman of the township planning commission. But instead of wringing their hands, township officials took it to heart and decided to do something to help change that unflattering perception. They created an […]

Negron loses bout in Golden Gloves semifinals

It seems like Antonio Negron had everything working against him when he lost his fight in the Michigan Golden Gloves semifinals held Friday, April 26 at the Grand Valley National Guard Armory in Wyoming, near Grand Rapids. The 17-year-old Oxford boxer was battling both a more experienced fighter in his late 20s and a swarm […]

OMS Drama Club brought Holmes to the stage

Over the weekend, Oxford Middle School’s Drama Club brought a play to the stage that had it all ? time travel, a mental institution and of course, Sherlock Holmes. ‘The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes? mixed comedy and mystery by featuring the famous detective and his sidekick, Dr. Watson, on their very first case. ‘We […]

Galileo would be so proud

Downtown Oxford’s Centennial Park was transformed into a temporary observatory Saturday afternoon as members of the Seven Ponds Nature Center Astronomy Club gathered to view the nearest star and raise awareness about their hobby. ‘I’ve been involved in astronomy since I was a kid,? said John Lines, president of the Dryden-based club and a resident […]

Triumph turns to terror for Oxford runner in Boston

One minute, Stephanie Schreiber Bland was racing toward the finish line, ready to complete the famous Boston Marathon after having given birth just three-and-a-half short months ago. The next, the 26-year-old Oxford resident was terrified and certain she was going to die. Bland was near the finish line on Boston’s Boylston St. April 15 when […]

Park concept to go before Oxford boards

Residents who wish to learn more about a proposal to transform the majority of a 1,200-acre gravel mining operation in Oxford Township into a ‘multi-use adventure park? will have several opportunities to do so over the next month. Representatives from the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (OCPRC) are planning to address various government boards […]