Look, it’s the first bear of spring!

Spring is a time for bears to awake from their long winter slumber. How appropriate that Brandon resident Gary Elzerman used his expert chainsaw carving skills to sculpt this little wooden bear during an open house held Saturday at Burdick Street Landscape Supply & Equipment (43 E. Burdick St.) in Oxford. Photo by C.J. Carnacchio.

Cop’s ‘sarcastic? request for $500 leads to suspension

A Detroit television news broadcast pitched the story to its viewers as a potential case of extortion within the Oxford Village Police Department ? an officer requesting a citizen pay him cash for his services. But Police Chief Mike Neymanowski said it was a situation where one of his officers didn’t perform his duty, then […]

Streetscape about safety, not just looks

Safety was the main topic of discussion last week as the Oxford Village Council listened to an informational presentation regarding proposed plans to revamp the downtown area’s streetscape. ‘Lately, we’ve heard that the perception by the general public is the reason the DDA is doing this is to make the downtown look pretty,? said Madonna […]

Civil War band booked to play Lone Ranger celebration

The sweet sounds of the 1860s will fill the summer air in Oxford as the village council last week voted to contract with the 5th Michigan Regiment Band to perform during the town’s Lone Ranger celebration Aug. 3. Based in Novi, the 39-member band brings the past to life at reenactments, concerts, parades, festivals and […]

Bringing a little church to the state

ader Editor Oxford resident Dave Gerber had the Michigan House of Representatives? undivided attention as he addressed the body on Thursday, April 11. But his message wasn’t political; it was spiritual. Gerber, who’s a pastor at the Williams Lake Church of the Nazarene in Waterford Township, opened the legislative body’s session that day with an […]

Stranger was no danger, just a concerned citizen

It started out as a potential case of stranger danger, but it turns out it was just a nature photographer who was acting as a concerned citizen when he observed what he deemed to be some suspicious activity. On April 11, the Oxford school district sent an e-mail to parents warning them that a man […]

Sign, sign, township to get new signs

Oxford Township officials last week approved a concept for new gateway signs to welcome visitors and help give the community some identity. ‘This has been a hot topic with the EDSC (Economic Development Subcommittee) and we feel this is a great need (for) the community,? said Todd Bell, who chairs the planning commission and serves […]

Twp. okays $66K contract to bring water to cemeteries

Visitors who wish to keep the plants and flowers around their loved ones? graves in Oxford Township’s cemeteries looking fresh and healthy will soon be able to water them. Last week, the township board voted 7-0 to award a $66,488 contract to the Shelby Township-based H2O Irrigation to drill wells in two cemeteries and install […]

Enrollment for low-income health plan ends April 30

Oakland County Commissioner Mike Spisz (R-Oxford) wants people who lack health insurance to know there are options out there for them to get the medical care they need. That’s why during his visit to the Oxford Township Board meeting last week, Spisz asked officials to help him inform the public about the Adult Medical Program […]

Dollars and cents behind proposed streetscape discussed

While most of the presentation regarding revamping downtown Oxford’s streetscape revolved around potential safety enhancements, the village council’s main concern seemed to be money. Specifically, how much is the proposed streetscape project going to cost and from where will the funding be obtained? ‘It’s going to cost quite a bit of money to do this, […]