Can you hear the beating?

One of my favorite stories growing up was Edgar Allan Poe’s 1843 classic ‘The Tell-Tale Heart.? It’s about a man who kills an old man, dismembers his body and hides it under the floorboards. Eventually, the murderer is so overwhelmed by guilt that he imagines he can still hear the old man’s heart beating beneath […]

Beaten, but not broken

Brutally beaten and buried alive. That’s how China’s previous owner left her. But fortunately, the German Shepherd mix was found by some kindhearted folks, nursed back to health and is now waiting patiently at the Oxford-based K-9 Stray Rescue League’s kennel for someone to adopt her. ‘She absolutely adores everybody,? said Lori Stevenson, president of […]

And what’s your name?

A total of 325 kids literally stormed the field at Seymour Lake Township Park Saturday afternoon as part of the annual Easter Bunny Bonanza. The kids raced around collecting thousands of colored plastic eggs, then they snatched up thousands of ping-pong balls dropped from a helicopter.

Hi-Yo name change!

It appears the Lone Ranger may ride again in Oxford with both an event and parade bearing the fictional masked lawman’s moniker. Last week, the Community Events Committee decided to rename Celebrate Oxford ? scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 3 ? as either ‘Celebrate The Lone Ranger? or ‘Celebrate Lone Ranger.? However, whether the community can […]

Family seeks hit-and-run driver

Broken, bleeding and facing the possibility of death as he laid unconscious on the cold black asphalt of M-24. That’s how some unknown driver left Derek Luke following a Feb. 17 hit-and-run accident in downtown Oxford. ‘I don’t know how someone could look in their rearview mirror, see somebody laying there and just keep going, […]

Charter school changes name to Deer Trail Academy

Oxford’s new charter school hasn’t even opened its doors yet and it’s already changed its name because an educational institution on the East Coast asked it to do so. Deerfield Academy will now be known as Deer Trail Academy following a March 26 vote of the charter school’s five-member board of education. According to Dr. […]

No time to stop in brake contest

Not even brakes can slow down Oxford High School’s agile auto students. Last week, 26 future mechanics participated in the automotive program’s annual brake competition. Two-person teams went head-to-head to see who could completely disassemble and reassemble a drum brake assembly on two different vehicles in the least amount of time. A total of six […]

Villages set up committees to explore resource-sharing

Oxford and Lake Orion officials created four new government committees last week as the village councils met for a second time in an effort to explore new ways to cooperate and save tax dollars. Most of the hour-long discussion revolved around settling organizational issues associated with the establishment of committees to examine the areas of […]

Village eliminates 18-foot setback for outdoor cafes

The Oxford Village Council made it possible for restaurants to finally have outdoor seating along downtown’s busy main street. Council last week voted 4-0 to eliminate zoning ordinance language that prohibited having outdoor seating areas less than 18 feet away ‘from the closest through travel lane on Washington St. (M-24).? The problem is no property […]

Basketball coach resigns

Oxford High School is now searching for two new head coaches for varsity sports. Last week, Paul Marfia, head coach of the boys varsity basketball team, resigned. He joined Brandon Rank, head coach of the varsity wrestling team, who resigned the week before. ‘Me and (Athletic Director Mike) Watson got together at the end of […]