Curtis Insurance, SADD club join forces to stop texting and driving

More than 200 Oxford High School students recently signed a pledge poster promising they won’t send or read text messages while driving. The pledge is part of W82TXT (Wait to Text), a community awareness campaign to encourage drivers not to text when they’re behind the wheel. ‘When you drive down the road, you can’t believe […]

All I heard was, ‘Blah, blah, blah…?

Blah, blah, blah . . . That’s what most of the March 26 meeting between the Oxford and Lake Orion village councils sounded like to me. Glad to be here tonight. . . . blah, blah, blah . . . we all thought that last meeting was a very healthy discussion . . . blah, […]

Wrestling coach to stay, return to assistant spot

There’s been no shortage of rumors swirling around town and on the internet regarding Brandon Rank’s status as the head coach of the Oxford High School varsity wrestling team. ‘Wrestling’s kind of a small community,? explained the 33-year-old Rochester Hills resident. ‘They’re very passionate and when their pot is stirred a little bit, everybody will […]

DDA balks at suggested name change

What’s in a name? To Oxford resident Rod Charles and the Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA), the answer is a lot. That’s why last week Charles approached the DDA board about the possibility of changing the name of the Aug. 3 Celebrate Oxford event to ‘Lone Ranger Days.? The idea is to take full advantage […]

Community service set for Good Friday

Residents are invited to celebrate the sacrifice of the Christian savior Jesus Christ by attending a Community Good Friday Service at Oxford United Methodist Church (21 E. Burdck St.) on Friday, March 29. Sponsored by the Oxford Orion Ministers Association (OOMA), the service will begin at 12 noon. Good Friday is the day on which […]

OHS auto students earn spot in state finals

Not all the glory in high school is attained on the football field or beneath a stage spotlight. Sometimes glory is found covered in grease and sweat beneath the hood of a car. Oxford High School seniors Mike Doell and Josh English are hoping to secure their glory during the state finals of the Ford/AAA […]

McLaren’s Oxford campus to go blue for autism

Beginning April 2, the McLaren Oakland medical campus in Oxford will be bathed in the soft glow of blue lights to help raise awareness about autism. The color of the 385 N. Lapeer Rd. facility’s exterior lights will be changed to blue in honor of the ‘Light It Up Blue? initiative, which commemorates World Autism […]

Spreading the joy of reading one book at a time

Sandy Gilmore isn’t satisfied with simply waiting around at the Oxford Public Library for folks to walk in and check out a good book or two. That’s why for the second straight year, the library’s head of adult services will be participating in a worldwide event in which thousands of volunteers give away millions of […]

Addison homeowner glad ‘funeral bandit? was caught

Addison Twp. resident Joseph Marion most likely won’t get all of his belongings back, but he’s pleased to know the man who allegedly stole them is now in police custody. ‘I hope he has a long time to think about what he did,? he said. Marion, 58, was a victim in Todd Lloyd Griffin’s alleged […]