I fully support the idea of temporarily changing the name of Celebrate Oxford to Lone Ranger Days this year. We’ve got a golden opportunity to hitch this town’s wagon to a $250 million blockbuster summer movie because the real Lone Ranger ? also known as Brace Beemer ? lived here for many years. To me, […]
Michelle Vought is lighting the path to her future with a welding torch. The Oxford High School senior’s prowess with fire and metal helped her and her fellow students from Oakland Schools Technical Campus (OSTC) Northeast in Pontiac earn a first place award for a child’s pedal car they created as part of the Genuine […]
A 22-year-old Oxford man accused of burglarizing three Oxford Twp. homes within a week to help finance his alleged drug habit was arrested March 15 by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department. Alan Pratt, Jr. was arraigned Monday afternoon in Rochester Hills 52-3 District Court on one count of first-degree home invasion and two counts of […]
Oxford Township officials are considering applying for a $25,000 environmental grant from a Canadian-based energy distribution company, but first they want to find a deserving group, program or project that could really use that kind of money. ‘I would just ask this board that we (be given) an opportunity to look at all of the […]
A portion of a large-diameter interstate crude oil pipeline that runs through Oxford and Addison townships is due to be replaced later this year by the Canadian-based energy distribution company that owns it. Enbridge, Inc. will begin work on Oxford and Addison’s portions of what is known as Line 6B at some point between June […]
Bob Smith, Oakland County’s oldest unelected unofficial, celebrated his 95th birthday last week in Lakeville. Friends and family gathered at the Lakeville United Methodist Church (UMC) Sunday afternoon to honor Smith with song, well wishes and of course, lots of cake. Being an unincorporated village, Lakeville has no elected or formal leadership. But for years, […]
Twenty-three Oxford High School students are heading to Anaheim, California next month. But they’re not going there to soak up the sunshine and party hard for spring break. They’re going there to compete at the DECA International Career Development Conference set for April 23-28. ‘I’m so proud of the kids,? said Steve Ruch, OHS teacher […]
Yet another feather has been added to the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department’s plumage-filled cap. Oxford is one of only 23 local departments in the entire state that will be highlighted as part of MI Big Green Gym, a new program focused on helping families and individuals improve their physical, spiritual and mental health […]
A $161,621 contract to construct new safety paths along Seymour Lake and E. Drahner roads was awarded last week in a 5-1 vote by the Oxford Township Board. Pro-Line Asphalt Paving Corp., based in Macomb County’s Washington Township, will be doing the work, which will create pedestrian-accessible connections between the township and village. A total […]
A significant chunk of federal grant money was awarded to the Addison Township Fire Department to help improve its emergency medical capabilities. The department was the recipient of a $60,667 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It’s the agency’s third AFG award since 2010, bringing the total up to […]