This spring, equestrian users of the Polly Ann Trail will be given a much safer way to ride through Leonard. That’s when construction is expected to resume on a 4-foot wide path along the side of the 3,200-foot long, 12-foot wide stretch of asphalt trail that runs through the rustic village between Elmwood St. and […]
Addison Township is now saving big bucks on its liability insurance thanks to a willingness to seek competitive bids and a lack of trips to court. Supervisor Bruce Pearson was pleased to report the township received a $40,886 rebate from its insurance provider, the Livonia-based Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority (MMRMA). ‘This is the biggest […]
Whenever A annoys or injures B on the pretense of saving or improving X, A is a scoundrel.? ? H.L. Mencken I wish I could go one day without reading or hearing about how someone somewhere is attempting to ? or succeeding at ? stifling individual liberty. Case in point, a major Oakland County hospital […]
Get ready to pack up the snowblower and parka, and break out the lawn mower and short-sleeve shirts because spring is coming early this year! So sayeth the llama. From his warm barn and spacious pasture at Windstar Farm (2065 W. Oakwood Rd.) in Oxford Township, Tutor, the famous weather-prognosticating llama made his annual prediction […]
Everybody talks about ways to make their community a better place, but James T. Woon actually did it by devoting his time and considerable talents to preserving Addison Township’s history, particularly when it came to the historic Lakeville Cemetery. ‘He liked people and he liked to be involved,? said his wife of seven years, Mary […]
It’s been more than two months since Oxford Bank stockholders voted to sell all their shares to the Farmington Hills-based Level One Bank, but the deal has yet to be finalized. ‘Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of news to share,? said Patrick Fehring, president and CEO of Level One, founded in 2007. ‘We’re still […]
Folks who wish to stay on top of when their local governments are convening meetings and for what purpose will be pleased to know the state’s Open Meetings Act (OMA) has been amended to increase transparency. Signed into law by Gov. Rick Snyder on Dec. 28, Public Act 528 of 2012 provides new and expanded […]
Congratulations to Allison Hufstedler, 6, of Oxford, for being one of three national winners in a tissue box design competition sponsored by White Cloud. The Clear Lake Elementary kindergartner’s colorful drawing of three happy lions enjoying a beautiful day in the great outdoors will be featured on special edition White Cloud tissue boxes that will […]
It bugs me the way society just casually throws around the word ‘hero.? It seems like everybody’s a hero these days. You went to work today ? you’re a hero! You drove the kids to school ? you’re a hero! You threw your trash in the garbage can, instead of on the ground ? you’re […]