Leonard: Thank you vets!

Leonard Elementary’s fifth-graders honored local veterans Friday by inviting them to their school to enjoy breakfast and tell their stories. Students asked the veterans questions about their service, their fears, their accomplishments and what life was like in the military. Some veterans brought old photographs to illustrate their tales, while others used globes to show […]

Police, fire millages pass in Oxford, Addison

Voters in Oxford and Addison were definitely in a ‘yes’ mood in the Nov. 6 general election. In Oxford Township, voters approved a two-year, 1-mill tax increase for police services by a margin of 4,191 to 4,044. “I’m just proud as hell of everybody that participated in the (pro-millage campaign) and was part of the […]

Election Day creates special milestones

For two Oxford residents, Election Day was more than just an opportunity to make their voices heard in the democratic process. For Angela Ball and Dominic Spezia, the Nov. 6 general election represented milestones in each of their lives. It appears Ball could remember it as the day her child was born. But she didn’t […]

More bars downtown

The long wait is finally over and downtown Oxford now has free wireless internet access thanks to a public-private partnership between Oakland County and Air Advantage. ‘This is the very first downtown that we’re going to light up with free wireless (service) here in the county,? said Deputy County Executive and Chief Information Officer Phil […]

Going up!

It’s not all economic doom and gloom out there as evidenced by some encouraging housing figures from the Oxford Township Building Department. The number of Certificates of Occupancy (CO) issued for new residential construction this year has almost doubled compared to last year. As of Nov 1., the township has issued 21 COs. Last year, […]

OES, DA students collect candy for troops serving in Afghanistan

Evan Kussner believes everybody should get some candy for Halloween, especially soldiers fighting in far-off lands where there is no trick-or-treating. ‘They need good days like we have,? he said. That’s why the Oxford Elementary third-grader launched a candy drive at his school whereby students are being encouraged to bring in their ‘spare? Halloween treats, […]

Lambertsons enjoy a slice of Turkey

Oxford residents Darryl and Carla Lambertson thought they’d be taking a trip back in time when they visited Turkey from Oct. 4-16, but instead they found a very modern country with everything from high-rise buildings to top-notch infrastructure to grocery stores ‘that look just like ours.? ‘I was really blown away by how modern everything […]

Group seeks job-seekers

Finding a job isn’t easy these days, but it’s even tougher when a person feels as if they’re all alone in their search. Fortunately, Oxford has a group to support the needs of the unemployed, both professionally and emotionally. It’s called Transitions and it meets on the first and third Fridays of the month from […]

Americana Concert honors vets!

On Friday night, the Oxford Middle School choirs, under the direction of Jan Flynn, honored area veterans with their 10th Annual Americana Concert. As always, the concert featured a stirring mix of patriotic music, heartfelt words and moving imagery. Hats off to Flynn and her students for consistently making this show one of the most […]

Trunk or treat!

Leonard Elementary’s PTO held an outstanding Trunk-or-Treat event in the school parking lot Friday night. The kids got all dressed up in their Halloween costumes, collected as much candy as they could, then danced to classic songs such as ‘Monster Mash? and Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller.?