1-mill increase sought for twp. police protection

A ‘yes? vote gains two police officers. A ‘no? vote cuts two police officers. In the end, that’s what the Nov. 6 election boils down to, according to Oakland County Sheriff’s Sgt. Scott Patterson, commander of the Oxford Twp. substation. Township residents living outside the village are being asked to vote on a two-year, 1-mill […]

Village seeks permission to sell two properties

To sell or not to sell? That is the question Oxford Village voters will be asked on the Nov. 6 ballot regarding two pieces of property owned by the municipality. The village is seeking voters? permission to sell the municipal complex located at 18-22 W. Burdick St. and the 2 acres it sits on, plus […]

Crossroads looks to open charter school

Crossroads for Youth is in the process of attempting to establish an educational institution that Oxford’s never had before ? a charter public school. Dr. Janet McPeek, president of Crossroads for Youth, confirmed that the Central Michigan University (CMU) Board of Trustees approved the nonprofit agency’s charter application in September. ‘The letter that we received […]

Village looks to help companies in USA, Michigan and Oxford

Oxford Village is looking to give preferential treatment in its bid processes to products and services provided by companies based in the United States, Michigan and the community in order to help them compete and prosper. ‘This is exactly what I would like to see happen,? said Councilman Elgin Nichols. Nichols is the one who […]

Leader Editorial: YES votes for public safety in Oxford, Addison

This newspaper has never taken the issue of taxes lightly, especially when it comes to increasing them. We firmly believe that folks should get to keep the money they earn and spend it how they see fit without the fear of government confiscating more and more of it to finance projects and ideas conceived behind […]

Leader Editorial: Oxford Village voters: NO on Prop. 1, YES on Prop. 2

Sometimes government has good ideas and sometimes it has bad ideas. Oxford Village currently has one of each and voters will decide their fate in the Nov. 6 election. We are strongly encouraging voters to APPROVE the village’s Proposal 2, the municipality’s request for permission to sell the 3.42-acre property it owns at 98 S. […]

10th Annual Americana Concert set for 7 p.m. Friday

Ten years ago, Oxford Middle School Choir Director Jan Flynn came up with a meaningful way to honor area veterans for their deeds and teach students about the significant sacrifices made for the freedoms they enjoy on a daily basis. Since then, every year around Veterans Day, OMS choir students lift up their voices in […]

Leader Editorial: YES votes for public safety in Oxford, Addison

This newspaper has never taken the issue of taxes lightly, especially when it comes to increasing them. We firmly believe that folks should get to keep the money they earn and spend it how they see fit without the fear of government confiscating more and more of it to finance projects and ideas conceived behind […]

Police, fire millages pass in Oxford, Addison

Voters in Oxford and Addison were definitely in a ‘yes’ mood in the Nov. 6 general election. In Oxford Township, voters approved a two-year, 1-mill tax increase for police services by a margin of 4,191 to 4,044. “I’m just proud as hell of everybody that participated in the (pro-millage campaign) and was part of the […]