Democracy at work:Leonard students get to vote like mom and dad

While the rest of the country is still waiting to cast their votes for either the Romney/Ryan or Obama/Biden tickets, Leonard Elementary has already elected its new student council president and vice president. Last week, 135 students in grades 3-5 literally went to the polls to elect Lexi Seitz as president and Addison Matz as […]

Marching band gets highest score ever at Alma Invite

ALMA ? Somebody up there must like the Wildcats as evidenced by what happened when Oxford competed at the Alma College Marching Band Invitational on Oct. 13. ‘It was cold and very, very rainy,? said OHS Band Director Jim Gibbons. ‘Thankfully, the rain stopped for our performance. We were very lucky.? That break in the […]

Fall fun for everyone!

The weather was cold, gray and wet but that didn’t stop folks of all ages from having tons of fall fun at the annual Scarecrow Festival held Saturday afternoon in downtown Oxford’s Centennial Park. Pumpkin carving and decorating, contests involving witches and costumed pets, magic shows and of course, scarecrows were all part of this […]

Twp. looks into expanding zoning for farm animals

If Old MacDonald wished to have a farm with a cluck-cluck here and a moo-moo there in Oxford Township, he’d better have enough acreage and the proper zoning to do so. Ee-i-ee-i-o. However, township officials recently voted 4-2 to direct the planning commission to investigate the possibility of expanding where farm animals are permitted to […]

Enbridge awards $1K grant to Oxford Fire Dept.

The Oxford Fire Department got a financial shot-in-the-arm Monday from Enbridge, Inc. as the Canadian energy distribution company awarded it a $1,000 grant. According to Fire Capt. Ron Jahlas, who applied for the grant about two months ago, the money will be used to purchase two combustible gas detection meters, two pairs of high-powered binoculars […]

Addison Oaks to close for deer hunts

A managed deer hunt will result in the closure of Addison Oaks County Park in Addison Township on certain dates in November and December. The 1,140-acre park will be off limits to the public all day long on Nov. 15, 20, 27 and 29 as well as on Dec. 11 and 13 as the county […]

Trunk or treat!

Lakeville Elementary’s PTO hosted a Fall Harvest Festival/Trunk-or-Treat event Friday evening. Candy, games and costumes were all part of the fun.

Twp. could pay $1.6M to divert sewage to Pontiac

How much are Oxford Township officials willing to pay to send sewage to Pontiac? The answer seems to be under $2 million. Officials voted 6-0 at their Oct. 10 meeting to recommend a funding formula that could ultimately result in the township paying 3.65 percent (or $1.6 million) of an estimated $43.7 million cost to […]

‘Troops to Troops? gives soldiers a taste of home

For U.S. soldiers serving in far-off and often hostile foreign lands, nothing beats a taste of home. In order to show them that they are not forgotten and that folks back home are appreciative of their vigilance, bravery and sacrifices, Daisy Troop 70945 is engaged in a ‘Troops to Troops? fund-raiser. So far, the troop, […]

Resident helps local government go paperless

Most folks who visit the Oxford Township office complex at 300 Dunlap Rd. probably won’t see Glenn McCaw as he quietly works away in the basement day in and day out. But when his job is finally complete, they’ll definitely know his work because the process of storing, finding, sending and receiving township records will […]