Bats: Benefits learned, myths dispelled

Bats, not books, drew folks to the Oxford Public Library July 25. It was standing-room only in the Rotary Community Room as Caitlin Weinfurther, an education specialist with the Organization for Bat Conservation, helped approximately 80 adults and kids gain a better understanding of the only mammal capable of flight. ‘Bats come in all different […]

Oakland County Board of Commissioners ? District #3

Editor’s Note: There are two Republican candidates running in the Aug. 7 primary election for the District #3 seat on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Answers to the profile questions were limited to 25 words each. Lana Mangiapane Municipality of residence and number of years lived there: Oakland Township for 35 years. Family: Married, […]

Addison Township treasurer profiles

Editor’s Note: There are two Republican candidates running in the Aug. 7 primary election for the four-year position of Addison Township Treasurer. Answers to the profile questions were limited to 25 words each. Daniel Alberty Age: 67 Municipality and years of living there: Addison Township resident for 29 years. Family: Wife Kathleen, Daughter April, Son […]

46th District State Rep. candidates ? Democrats

Editor’s Note: There are two Democratic candidates running in the Aug. 7 primary election for the 46th District seat in the Michigan State House of Representatives. Answers to the profile questions were limited to 25 words each. Daniel W. Sargent Age: 60 Municipality of residence and number of years lived there: Oxford for last 13 […]

Shane’s mom opens up, wants to help others

Oxford resident Michelle Hrischuk was particularly delighted to see so many people ? from parents and kids to teachers and counselors ? participate in the suicide prevention event held Saturday morning at Seymour Lake Township Park. ‘I can’t believe the turnout,? she said. ‘I love seeing the teachers here because they sometimes know our kids […]

Prevention is their priority

A total of 110 folks gathered in Seymour Lake Township Park Saturday morning for a joint Oxford/Orion suicide prevention event. For the story, please see Page 1 of the August 1 print edition.

Sgt. clarifies what deputies can, can’t do concerning fireworks

Given all the folks complaining about fireworks usage in light of the new state law legalizing them, Oakland County Sheriff’s Sgt. Scott Patterson felt it would be a good idea to clarify for citizens exactly what his officers can and cannot do. Right now, in Oxford Township, sheriff’s deputies have no legal ability to just […]

Do not remove under penalty of law!

Want to grab people’s attention? How about making a funky music video featuring two pregnant women rapping a song about removing the legally-required tags on pillows? That’s what Kerri (Linto) Smith did to promote her new maternity pillow and solicit contributions to help get her on-line business off the ground by paying thousands of dollars […]

Garmin donates $17K to four charities

Four charities that help make the world a better place by improving the lives of senior citizens, homeless dogs and individuals with special needs received a significant financial shot in the arm Monday evening. Christmas in Action (Northeast Oakland County), Banbury Cross Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Oxford LOFT/Special Olympics and Last Day Dog Rescue were each […]

Church continues to expand

Five years ago, Christ the King Church turned a dream into reality with the opening of its 18,427-square-foot multipurpose Family Life Center. But the Oxford Township church isn’t done expanding ? not by a long shot. Currently, the church, located at 1550 W. Drahner Rd., is in the process of adding 2,640 square feet to […]