It’s a guy thing

Psst . . . fellas . . . come here. Are you all stressed out? Are you in desperate need of some fun and relaxation? Are you looking for just one day to call your own? Then get ready to head on over to Devil’s Ridge Golf Club (3700 Metamora Rd.) in Oxford Township on […]

Be patient: Free downtown Wi-Fi coming

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will downtown Oxford’s free wireless internet service. But have no fear, folks are diligently working to get it operational. ‘We’re hoping that it all happens this fall,? said Dave Simmet, vice president of operations for Air Advantage, a company based in Frankenmuth. ‘We’ve defined fall as being […]

High-speed net access finally coming to Addison

Downtown Oxford isn’t the only place around here on track to get high-speed wireless internet service. Thanks to a county-owned tower located at Haven and Noble roads, residents of Addison Township and the Village of Leonard will soon have access to this service ? although they will have to pay for it. ‘We were awarded […]

Independence murder-suicide had Oxford connection

Police say a man’s infatuation with a young lady he worked with at the Salvation Army in Oxford Township turned tragic Saturday when he shot her mother to death and wounded her father, then turned the gun on himself and ended his own life. The shootings happened around 2:40 a.m. in the 4700 block of […]

Addison man awakes to bucks galore

Spotting one big buck is enough to make any avid deer hunter’s heart begin racing. Imagine seeing five of them, all lined up like three-dimensional targets on a range. That’s exactly what Hugh Syron, of Addison Township, saw on his 11?-acre property between 7:30 and 8 a.m. Aug. 29. ‘I couldn’t believe it,? he said. […]

Village seeks permission to sell land

Oxford Village voters will have the opportunity to turn their opinions into action when they head to the polls on Tuesday, Sept. 13 and decide whether or not to give their permission to sell a small piece of publicly-owned land. ‘I favor the proposal,? said village Councilman Tom Benner. ‘I don’t feel like the village […]

Village election: 2 candidates, 2 seats

By C.J. Carnacchio Leader Editor For Tony Albensi and Kevin Stephison, next week’s Oxford Village election is largely a formality. The two men are running for two four-year council seats with no other names on the ballot and no declared write-in candidates to offer competition. Stephison is the newcomer to the council while Albensi is […]

Upland Hills School celebrates 40 years

In many circles these days, the focus of education seems to be quantity ? specifically, how to increase the amount of students, revenue and facilities. But that isn’t the case at Upland Hills School in Addison Township. ‘Expanding as a school and going from a student body of 90 to a student body of 1,200 […]

Former NFL great fires up Cats with pep talk

‘It was a long drive up here, but I didn’t know we made it all the way to Boise, Idaho.? Even Dan Dierdorf, who played pro football for the St. Louis Cardinals from 1971-83, couldn’t resist making a little joke about the Oxford football stadium’s new blue turf ? a color it shares with Boise […]

A few minutes with Jim Brandstatter

His name’s been associated with University of Michigan football since 1969 and now he’s part of Oxford football history as well. Jim ‘Brandy? Brandstatter visited Oxford High’s stadium on Thursday, Aug. 25 to hear his friend and former Michigan teammate, Dan Dierdorf, address the Wildcats varsity football team on the eve of their big game […]