18 headed for Int’l DECA competition

The future of American business appears to be in very capable hands if the Oxford High School DECA Club is any indication. Eighteen of the 23 club members who participated in DECA’s state competition, held in Grand Rapids over the weekend, earned state championship status. ‘I was very pleasantly surprised,? said Oxford DECA Advisor Steve […]

Public hearing on proposed hunting ban March 30

Oxford Township is considering prohibiting the discharge of firearms and all forms of hunting in dense residential zoning districts. But before they take any action, township officials want to discuss the idea with the public and garner its input. That’s why the township’s scheduled a public hearing on the topic for 7 p.m. Wednesday, March […]

My Way

A friend of mine, Oxford resident Bob Morrison, recently got me interested in the cancelled HBO series ‘Deadwood.? He loaned me all three seasons on DVD and I spent hours upon hours watching them all in just a few weeks. I absolutely love this series about the gritty, rough-and-tumble town of Deadwood, South Dakota set […]

LO grad picked to lead Lapeer schools

It’s not a done deal yet, but it appears a 1994 Lake Orion High School graduate is on his way to becoming the next superintendent of Lapeer Community Schools Matthew Wandrie, 34, of Addison Township, was the Lapeer Board of Education’s pick to lead the district following a unanimous vote last week. ‘The superintendent candidate […]

Deputy clerk arraigned on embezzlement charges

Oxford Village Deputy Clerk Marion Patricia Paad was arraigned March 23 in Rochester Hills 52-3 District Court on charges she embezzled public funds from the municipality in the form of both property tax payments and police funds. Paad, who’s been suspended from her job without pay since late January, is facing five counts of embezzlement […]

To abate or not to abate? That is the question

Opinions were mixed and the debate was passionate, but in the end, the Oxford Township Board chose not to oppose tax abatements requested of the village council by manufacturing companies Royal Oak Boring and Royal Oak Medical Devices. ‘These tax abatements are great for the community. Not only does it keep the business in our […]

Twp. must replace faulty well

It appears one of Oxford Township’s groundwater wells was improperly installed in a way that causes severe damage to pumping equipment and now, the municipality must drill a new one for an estimated $85,000 to $103,500. Officials are investigating the situation. ‘I am in the process of trying to get to the bottom of this […]

Paad to face 5 counts of embezzlement

An Oxford Village employee will face criminal charges for allegedly stealing tax money from the municipality. Deputy Clerk M. Patricia Paad, who has been suspended without pay since late January, will be charged with five counts of embezzlement by a public official over $50, according to Oakland County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Paul Walton. Each count […]

Librarian leaving for Lone Star State

It was horses that brought Michele Presley to the Addison Township Public Library almost 16 years ago and it’s horses that are taking her away next month. Friday, April 29 will be Presley’s last day as director of the small rural library that circulated an impressive 34,701 items last year and serves more than 2,000 […]

Library signs lease for new home

It took a lot of hard work, numerous meetings and intense discussions over the last several months, but it’s finally a done deal and the Addison Township Public Library will be moving into a new home this year. ‘All along I felt this was a marvelous opportunity for this library and I continue to believe […]