My Way

Oxford is about to lose its real Citizen of the Year. A few weeks ago I wrote a story about how Hank Szlenkier is leaving this community on Monday, Feb. 14 after 19 years of faithful service. Hank is the caseworker for Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance, an organization dedicated to helping at-risk kids by reducing delinquency, […]

Tour of downtown’s vacant properties in the works

Entrepreneurs and real estate investors interested in buying, leasing or building commercial space in downtown Oxford will soon have their opportunity to look over what’s available. The Oxford Downtown Development Authority is putting together a property tour to showcase all the vacant properties within its district in hopes of spurring more economic development. ‘I’m glad […]

Dad, can I have the keys to the plane?

For most teenagers, the most exciting accomplishment of their high school years is obtaining the coveted driver’s license, so they can hit the open road. But for Addison resident Calvin Vaughn, his most thrilling feat was earning his pilot’s license last month, so he can soar off into the wild blue yonder. “It’s something cool […]

The big one

One less gargantuan, toothy predator is cruising the frigid waters of Addison Township’s Lakeville Lake thanks to skilled outdoorsman Mike Pace. During Saturday’s ice fishing contest, sponsored by the Bear Paw Cafe, the Lake Orion resident speared a northern pike that measured 41 inches in length and weighed a whopping 18 pounds, 11 ounces. ‘This […]

Llama predicts early spring

Given southeastern Michigan just got slammed by a blizzard, it’s hard to believe that spring is right around the corner. But according to Tutor, it is. Tutor is Oxford’s famous weather-prognosticating llama. Early this morning, Tutor did not see his shadow while out in the pasture at Windstar Farm (2065 W. Oakwood Rd.), so he […]

Acting clerk suspended

Did an Oxford Village employee take some property tax money from the municipality, then repay it? Until an investigation by Michigan State Police yields an answer to this question, Acting Clerk M. Patricia Paad will remain suspended without pay. Following a special closed session meeting Friday, Jan. 28, the village council voted 3-0 to change […]

Ad-Vertiser celebrates 50th

Long before eBay, Craigslist or even the internet were created, the primary way folks advertised their goods and services was through the local newspaper. As the old joke goes, it was black and white, and ‘read? all over. Fifty years ago, James A. Sherman, Sr. publisher of The Oxford Leader from 1955 to 1995, decided […]

Complete Streets adopted for safety, prosperity

In an effort to make downtown Oxford more pedestrian-friendly and economically prosperous, the village council last week voted 4-0 to adopt a resolution supporting the Complete Streets concept. ‘Complete Streets are defined as roadways planned, designed and constructed to accommodate safe access for all users regardless of age, ability or mode of transportation,? explained Anna […]

My Way

I’m beginning to think this 235-year-old experiment in self-government is a failure. I’m starting to wonder if it’s really worth voting for or against anything or anyone because ultimately, those who hold power are going to get what they want one way or another. We might as well stay home on Election Day and enjoy […]

So long, Hank!

What do you say to a guy who’s leaving the community after devoting 19 years of his life to helping, counseling and mentoring thousands of local youth? Residents have until Feb. 14 to think about it because that is Hank Szlenkier’s last official day as the caseworker for Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance (OAYA). ‘They’re pulling me […]