The King of Rock ‘n? Roll is dead, but his memory lives on in Lauren Jacobsen’s basement. Outside of Graceland, the 27-year-old Oxford resident has probably one of the largest collections of Elvis Presley memorabilia around. Jacobsen has shelves upon shelves upon shelves of Elvis memorabilia, ranging from mass-produced souvenirs to one-of-a-kind items. ‘My collection […]
For most teenagers, the most exciting accomplishment of their high school years is obtaining the coveted driver’s license, so they can hit the open road. But for Addison resident Calvin Vaughn, his most thrilling feat was earning his pilot’s license last month, so he can soar off into the wild blue yonder. ‘It’s something cool […]
When it comes to the fast food game, there are more choices now than there’s ever been. But judging by the reception Oxford gave it, McDonald’s is still the undisputed king of the hamburger business. On Dec. 17, Oxford’s new McDonald’s restaurant officially opened for business with so much fanfare one would have thought a […]
Whether you characterized the weather as frightful or delightful really depended on your point of view. Several inches of snow coupled with strong winds and below-freezing temperatures slammed the Oxford/Addison area Sunday as Old Man Winter came roaring into town nine days ahead of schedule. These weather conditions were seen as delightful by the 4,769 […]
It appears that Oxford Superintendent Dr. William Skilling won’t be packing his bags and heading to Granville, Ohio. He’s taken himself out of the running for the superintendent position down there. ‘I want each of you to know that yesterday I informed Dr. Ralph Johnson, the consultant representing the Granville Ohio School District, that I […]
If necessity is the mother of invention, then a lack of revenue must be its father. With property values facing another year of decline and voters in no mood to approve a tax increase, Oxford Township officials last week listened to a proposal from Oakland County Undersheriff Mike McCabe to consolidate Oxford and Orion’s police […]
Traditionally, the nexus of the landlord-tenant relationship has been one thing and one thing only ? the rent. Beyond that monthly check, the two didn’t get involved in each other’s financial matters. They didn’t need to. They didn’t want to. ‘It’s always been this is your business; this is my building. I’m the landlord; you’re […]
When it comes to the world of business, sitting in a classroom learning a bunch of theories can come in handy, but it doesn’t compare to the value of gaining some hands-on experience in the real world. Marketing students from Oxford High School got the opportunity to do just that when they did some job-shadowing […]
A former Oxford Village councilman lost his brave battle with cancer last week. Matthew R. Weber passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 7. He was 42. ‘I would describe him as one of the most determined, loyal and friendliest people that I have ever met,? said Steve Allen, who served on council with Weber and was […]
‘That’s the problem in this country. People are never satisfied with stuff the way it is. You gotta make it bigger and better and stronger and faster.? ? Comedian Denis Leary You ever notice how the people who supposedly love Oxford the most are constantly proposing ways to fundamentally change the community. It’s like they’ve […]