Water rates in the Village of Oxford could be increased anywhere from 11 to 22 percent depending on which option council chooses to deal with the municipality’s aging treatment plant on S. Glaspie St. Before officials take any definitive action, they’re conducting a public hearing on Tuesday, April 22 at 6:30 p.m. to garner input […]
An Oxford Village man is on a mission to get at least 116 signatures so he and his fellow citizens can finally vote on cityhood. ‘Before the village spends anymore money on attorneys or elects some charter commission, they should find out what the residents want,? said township Supervisor Bill Dunn, who lives at 14 […]
An Oxford Village Councilman allegedly involved in a fight at a downtown bar will have to face his day in court. Michael Glenn Hamilton, elected to council in September 2007, was cited March 13 by the village police for disorderly conduct stemming from an altercation that occurred at The Oxford Tap (36 S. Washington St.) […]
At the tender age of 11, Anthony Moore is already an inspiration to everyone around him. After more than three years of hard work and sheer determination, the Lakeville Elementary fifth-grader tested out of special education in January and is currently a straight-A student on his way to middle school. ‘I achieve my goals,? Moore […]
Having Oxford Township municipal water available for fire suppression systems will no longer be free if a proposed ordinance amendment is approved. At its 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 9 meeting, the township board will conduct its first reading of a proposed ordinance amendment that would charge future businesses and other facilities a onetime $1,500 connection […]
Each year the top 1 percent of McDonald’s restaurant managers from 13,700 locations across the country are presented the prestigious Ray Kroc Award. This year Oxford resident Patty Horton, manager of the Lake Orion McDonald’s, was among the 137 winners, six of which were from Michigan’s 550 restaurants. ‘All the hard work pays off,? she […]
Faith and begorrah, what a great time everyone had at the Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce annual ‘Stew Stroll? Saturday. Bowls of piping hot stew (and soup) made by local eateries were served up by smiling chamber members while gangs of wee ones ? children, not leprechauns ? roamed the downtown in search of gold […]
A county-wide consortium of fire departments designed to provide mutual assistance in large-scale emergencies can count Oxford as its newest member. ‘I believe this would be a tremendous boost for the fire department to be a member of this county-wide organization,? said Fire Chief Jack LeRoy. ‘I think you’re going to see, over a period […]
2007 was another great year for Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance (OAYA) when it came to helping the area’s at-risk kids. Last week, the group held its annual meeting/breakfast at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Orion to review its progress and honor volunteers who are the backbone of OAYA. Let’s take a glance at some statistics: n […]
A total of 120 kids raced around the gym floor at Oxford High School Saturday collecting colored plastic eggs and ping pong balls as part of the Easter Bunny Bonanza. Normally, the annual event, sponsored by Oxford Twp. Parks and Recreation, is held at Seymour Lake Township Park. However, an early Easter coupled with the […]