GEAR to foster improvements

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-At the village council meeting on Monday night the new Goodrich Enrichment Activities and Revitalization or GEAR organization was introduced. “Our goal is to foster a vision for the improvement, development, maintenance, operation, preservation, study and acquisition of parks, gardens, woodlands and wetlands, and their associated lands,” said Michelle Smith, spokesperson […]

Clean Water Corps wanted

By David Fleet Editor Lake residents of Brandon and Groveland townships are needed for a long term study. This year the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and Health Division will partner with the Michigan Clean Water Corps to provide Oakland County residents with free training and equipment to monitor lake water quality during the summer […]

Council OKs village audit

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-By a 4-0 vote on Monday night, the village council accepted an audit report from Lewis & Knopf for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Council member Jake Vick was absent. Christie Bueche senior accountant for Lewis & Knopf, delivered the report to the council. According to the 2017 audit, […]

Heroes of Harvey

By David Fleet Editor The water stopped rising about 400 feet from their home. James Vultaggio, a 1997 Brandon High School graduate, along with wife Shannon, children Celeste, 9, and Dominic, 7, are residents of Spring, Texas a community of about 55,000 located 50 miles north of Houston. The family home is about 230 miles […]

Donor keeps Sharin ‘O’Green growing for another year

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The annual Sharin’ O’ the Green fundraiser is arriving soon. The fundraiser, which runs through March, benefits the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund, has another anonymous donor this year, who will match up to $3,000 in donations in the spirit of Roger Duval, who founded Sharin’ O’ the Green in 2009. […]

Scholastic Art Awards

Five students from Brandon High School won in the Scholastics Art competition for their drawings and photography Senior Jada Jordan won honorable mention for her photo ‘Barn Light’. Freshman Leeanna Roman won a silver key for her charcoal drawing ‘Truce’. Senior Rachel Foltz won honorable mention for her drawing ‘Ghost Rider’. Senior McKenzie Lobbestael won […]

Murder suspect found competent to stand trial

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer A Macomb County resident was found competent to stand trial in connection with the death of an Oakland County deputy. On Feb. 12, Christopher Barek was found competent to stand trial by District Court 52-2 Judge Joseph Fabrizo. He was ordered a competency hearing on Dec. 4. Barek was arrested […]

OCEF food collection ramps up for Easter

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Ortonvile Community Emergency Fund will be accepting donations for their annual Easter food distribution. The OCEF food pantry, through St. Anne’s church at 825 S. Ortonville Road, Ortonville, will be helping 185 families put food on the table for the upcoming holiday. The items that OCEF is looking for […]

Scholastic Art Awards

On Feb. 5, Brandon Middle School students Lynn Knoblauch and Keegan Green, won honorable mention in the Scholastic Art Awards at the Detroit Film Theater at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Knoblauch won in the painting category while Green won in mixed media category. Their work is on display at the College for Creative Studies […]