Birthday partiers raise $1,000 for SCAMP

On his ninth birthday, Andrew ‘Drew? Roeser decided to collect donations for SCAMP instead of opening presents. He invited his whole third grade class from Andersonville Elementary to a party where he was able to raise $1,000 to support his school during SCAMP’s Walk and Roll event, which took place on May 6 in Depot Park.
The school that raises the most funds gets a trophy, but every year Andersonville has won second place. Roeser hoped his birthday donation would give Andersonville an edge in the competition.
According Donna Clancy the executive director of SCAMP funding corporation, ‘with Drew Roeser’s help, they came out on top!?
Andersonville Elementary will be presented with SCAMP’s Golden Shoe for getting the highest number of pledges.
Roeser’s fundraising wasn’t only about winning a prize. He also wanted to support SCAMP, which offers a camp to special needs kids each summer.
His 11-year-old brother has high function autism and has enjoyed attending SCAMP’s five-week camp.
‘It makes me feel happy that they’re happy,? Roeser said.
SCAMP was able to reach their goal of raising $25,000 during their Walk and Roll event. ?
Roeser not only helped to support SCAMP, but he and about fifty of his friends had a wonderful time splashing in the Deer Lake Pool and eating cake and ice cream.
‘It was really fun,? he said. ‘It was better than getting presents!?
Andrew’s ninth birthday will be one he and his classmates will not soon forget!
If you’d like more information on SCAMP or want to make a donation visit
? Staff Writer Mary Keck