Blanche Sims Elementary hosts Fun Run on Oct. 6

Blanche Sims Elementary students will ‘Let Freedom Run? on Oct. 6, during the school’s third annual Fun Run.
This year’s theme celebrates our freedoms here in the USA. This is the only school-wide fundraiser for Blanche Sims.
Last year’s Fun Run raised over $16,000, which paid for extra school activities such as field trips, a goodwill committee, assemblies, family fun nights and more.
All students participate by running or walking to music during 15-minute time frames, during school hours. The students seek pledges per lap, or donations to support their efforts for the school.
In the past, many companies within the community have donated items or funds towards the success of the event. Blanche Sims is seeking to make this year’s Fun Run an even greater success.
Companies or individuals interested in donating may contact the school at 693-5460, or just stop by to cheer on the students as they run to help their school and community.