Blog, blog, blog…

Brandon Twp.- In a technologically savvy move, the school board has opened another means of communication with the public? a blog.
Brandon Blackhawk Talk, the Board of Education’s blog, can be found by visiting
‘We were looking for a vehicle to communicate with the community and figured blogging is the way to go,? said Board President Beth Nuccio.
‘It’s how many people are communicating now and we wanted to keep up.?
The blog is meant to address issues that arise in the district. After the welcome post by Nuccio on April 5, the first ‘issue? blog is regarding schools of choice, which was posted April 24. Next up will be a post on the National Career Readiness certificate.
‘We’ll do a weekly post on issues that arise and try to inform the public,? Nuccio said.
The blog is not a public discussion forum, rather, ‘a one-way tool.?
Readers can e-mail questions, but can’t post comments at the site.
Details: 248-627-1800.