Board got just the trustee it wanted

Welcome Will Wilshire (Mister Soccer), or better yet, the person who if I’m not mistaken asked the trustees for $150,000 for the soccer fields a little while back!
In my opinion, Wilshire is what this present board was looking for — a westsider who thinks like they do.
Well, Wilshire, have fun with Bastonia and Dywasukism. This system will teach you how to raise taxes and fees and throw the bull.
What I have seen of you at township meetings, you fit in nicely with this present group of Orion elected officials, who I will be working to see that none get reelected in 2004.
Remember the legacy of Gerald R. Ford, our only non-elected president, who failed in his bid to get elected by the people in 1976 over a Georgia peanut farmer named James Earl Carter.
But then again I think Orion Township was in favor of Mr. Ford, especially the westside.
In response to SE’s comments about me in the July 23 edition, it seems like SE only perceives me with half an ear and impaired eyesight.
First of all, I only go after our elected officials on their political conduct and how if affects me as a tax paying citizen.
I don’t care for people who say something about a person or issue and then hide behind a pair of initials. Sure, its freedom of speech, but I look at it as chicken!
If you have something to say to me, tell it to my face and tell me who you are. I have a lot more respect for a person if I know where I stand with them.
You said I should get a life. SE, your best bet it to take your own inventory and I’ll take mine. At least I go to township meetings and public hearings and I vote. That seems to be more than what 90 percent of our residents are doing these days.
James Delavan