Board hears other side of sound debate

The possible sound ordinance amendment for Independence Township was tabled again at the May 18 board meeting after outdoor recreational vehicle owners finally let their voices be heard.
This was the third time the issue has been discussed at a township board meeting. However most of the public comments have been in favor of adding amendments to the current ordinance. Suggestions included limiting riding hours, limiting the amount of riders at one time and requiring sound-muffling equipment on the vehicles.
The residents who spoke May 18 were interested in their rights as property owners.
‘It is our right to use our vehicles. The ordinance should not deal with vehicles, but instead should deal with noise,? resident Bill Wint said. ‘You have taken away all my rights on my business land, leave me my rights on residential land.?
Township attorney Steve Joppich provided the board with noise ordinances from other communities including Walled Lake, Novi and Auburn Hills. Some of the options he gave to board members were limiting riding to one individual, limiting the times individuals can ride and establishing distances from property lines where individuals can ride.
Residents speaking at the meeting were concerned about, among other items, the safety of individuals riding by themselves, the loss of the social aspect of riding and setting hours that would prevent individuals who work different hours from riding.
‘I think it would be very difficult to enforce. This has been a very restrictive ordinance as presented to us,? Clerk Joan McCrary said. ‘This takes freedom away from many for the good of a few. Many of these problems can be solved neighbor to neighbor.?
Trustee Larry Rosso, who lives in the Deer Valley Subdivision which has had problems with ATV riders, disagreed with McCrary and proposed a motion that riders would need permission from 75 percent of adjacent land owners during a specific time. The motion died due to lack of support.
‘It doesn’t always work that way. Ideally, people would behave like that. We need this ordinance,? Rosso said.
Due to the points raised by the resident, board members decided to table the issue to further investigate.