Board issues five pink slips in Goodrich

Goodrich – The board of trustees voted unanimously to cut five teachers at the April 26 board meeting.
‘It was a tough decision to make,? said Larry Allen, interim superintendent. ‘However, we started with the idea of cutting 11 teachers and narrowed it to five.?
The five teacher positions cut are a second grade classroom teacher and literacy coach at Reid Elementary School, a third grade classroom teacher and science lab teacher at Oaktree Elementary School, and a computer teacher at the high school.
‘We will try to increase our pupil membership through the developmental kindergarten program. We will also try to reduce operation and technology services costs. We will reduce administrative services through shared programs and reduce substitutes with the help of the Genesee Intermediate School District. There will also be a moratorium and reduction of textbook purchases and reduction in the number of buses we purchase.?
The district is estimating a budget deficit of about $500,000 for the current school year.
‘With all of us working together, we can maintain the integrity of our kindergarten through 12th grade curriculum. We are trying to keep the needs of all students at every grade level and will maintain curriculum even though we have to cut staff members,? said Linda Jackson, board trustee, following the vote.