Board makes reappointments

Orion Township trustees approved several board and committee reappointments at their Nov. 17 meeting.
Doug Zande and Bob Pote were both reappointed to the planning commission, after their terms expire on Dec. 31. Matthew Gibb was reappointed to the zoning board of appeals, while Jim Crimando and Joe Bird were reappointed to the parks and recreation advisory committee. Alice Young, Mark Crane, Al Orvis and Reggie Harrison were all reappointed to the solid waste recycling committee.
All submitted letters stating they would like to continue serving after their terms expire on Dec. 31, and all were reappointed to terms expiring on Dec. 31, 2006. The township also reappointed Jack Kobliska to a term expiring Dec. 31, 2005 on the Union Church Governing Board.
The board is still looking to fill a two-year term position on the governing board, with a community representative with accounting and financial experience.