Bond plan for rolling out tech

The Clarkston Community Schools proposed $20 million bond proposal funds technology in three stages, according to administration.
The plan includes $3.4 million in bond money for fiscal year 2013 for 1,800 computer tablet devices, one each for teachers throughout the district and students in grades 6-7. Cost analysis sets price at $449 per device.
Fiscal year 2014 calls for devices for all students in grades 8-9, 1,300 in all.
Fiscal year 2015 calls for 2,900 devices for all students in grades 10-12, as well as one for every two students in grades 3-5. These devices will be kept in classrooms carts.
The devices are scheduled for a three-year replacement cycle starting in fiscal year 2019, funded by $1.5 million in bond issues.
A third, three-year replacement cycle is scheduled to start in 2025, with $1.25 million in bond issues.
The plan does not include devices for students in pre-K through second grade.
The plan also includes $2.5 million in 2013 for data network, wireless, Internet filter, and desktop and laptop computers. The filter license is for three years, with $75,000 for renewal in 2016.
Technology support costs for media techs and interns throughout the district would be $17,140 in 2013, $25,280 in 2014, and $112,420 in 2015. Sustaining cost would be $112,420 each year thereafter.
Teacher-training costs from 2013-2016 would total $2.6 million for technology coaches, and instructional and personnel costs.
Potential areas of savings are listed as going paperless within five years. This would cut printer and copier purchases, leases, and maintenance, paper, ink, and costs of running the machines, textbook purchases, and some student supplies.
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? Phil Custodio