Boy Scouts active in Davisburg park

Two members of Troop 192 recently completed their Eagle Scout Service Projects at the rededication of Rotary Park in Davisburg on June 15.
Cory Marth, 17, painted the wooden structures at the park, including the pavilion, picnic tables and a bridge. He also cleaned debris and trash from the creek that flows through the park.
According to Boy Scout contact Tom Haury, Marth submitted his paperwork and is waiting for a council meeting to go over what he did in scouting before he can earn the rank of Eagle Scout.
Dustin Haury, 13, built the memorial garden surrounding a monument that honors the founder of the Davisburg Rotary, Charles Going said Haury’s father Tom.
According to Tom, Dustin is working on his last two merit badges and should complete his Eagle Scout paperwork by August or September.
‘They’re both great young guys. They’re wonderful kids. At their ages, to do what they do in scouting is great because most kids think it’s not cool,? said Tom.
The impact and influence of scouting on Dustin is not lost on his father.
‘It’s taken a shy boy, a regular teenager and turned him into a leader. He was elected to be senior patrol leader of the troop by the scouts, his peers,? said Tom.
Dustin reflected on the scouting experience saying the Boy Scout traditions and training taught him to consider all consequences before making life decisions? a habit that has kept him out of trouble.
Marth said in six years of scouting he has learned many outdoor skills, training in first-aid and emergency preparedness.
‘I’ve learned excellent leadership qualities I can carry through college and my career,? said Marth.
Dustin Haury and many other area Boy Scouts recently traveled to the National Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. The Jamboree ran from July 25 to August 3.
Look for stories about the Jamboree in future issues!