Dear Editor,
(In response to: ‘Speed limits on dirt roads revisited,? The Citizen, Aug. 27, page 4)
Kudos to the Brandon School Board for passing the resolution in support of reducing speed limits on dirt and gravel roads. I hope everyone lets Representative Brad Jacobsen know that we really need to see his House Bill 4037 reducing speed limits on dirt roads passed and enacted.
It shouldn’t even cost the state or county to make signs with reduced speed limits since the ones removed a couple years ago are most likely in storage someplace.
Our Thayer road had a 25 mph limit which was reasonable with the number of equestrians, school children and people walking pets. Please reinstate that limit. Until then, I’ll continue to drive down the center of the road at 25 mph no matter how irritated the person behind me may be.
Lorene Mollenhour