Brandon earns five star rating

By Shelby Stewart
Staff Writer
The Brandon preschool program has once again received a five star rating from Great Start to Quality.
“Diane Zedan and the entire preschool staff have done an incredible job of building Brandon into one of the best preschool programs in the State,” said district superintendent Matt Outlaw.
Brandon first received a five star rating back in 2016.

The five stars are for the five different categories on which the preschool programs are graded: staff qualifications and professional development, family and community partnerships, administration and management, environment and curriculum and instruction.
“We are thrilled to be recognized as one of the highest quality preschool programs in the state of Michigan through the Great Start to Quality,” said Director of Early Childhood Diane Zedan. “I am honored to support a staff that is caring, loving and wonderfully educated to impact the lives of our greatest asset, our young children.”


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