Brandon School board candidates (choose two)

Name: Diane Wiley
Age: 47 years
Residency: Groveland Township
Occupation: Regional Sales Director, FreeLinc
Family: I have been married to Jeff for 15 years and have two children. Joshua is 14 and an eighth grader at the Middle School and Jesse is 12 and a sixth grader at the Intermediate.
Education, experience, skills: Outside of your basic formal education, most of what I would consider as education has come from my kids, their teachers, principals, their friends and families I’ve gotten to know. My experience is basically that I’m a mom who, for many years, has been a volunteer in the school since Joshua entered kindergarten at HT Burt. I’ve gotten involved not only in the classroom, but in the office. I served on the board of the PTA at HT Burt and on the board of the Parent Group at the Intermediate School.
What issues do you want to address and how?: I want to make sure that our curriculum continues to move forward and we improve performance standards. Our level of education consistently improves and that says a lot about, not only the majority of our teachers and administrators, but also about our business practices.
How will you balance representing constituents and working with the board members?: We’re all there for the same reason’to make sure we continue to provide the best educational experience for our children. I’d like to see other ways of keeping parents and the community informed of issues in our schools affecting our kids. We need to encourage their input and opinions on an ongoing basis.
Number of school board meetings attended: I’ve been attending School Board Meetings for about 4 years.