Brandon schools athletic survey

Brandon Twp.- Responses to an athletic survey by the school district are rolling in, but more opinions are wanted.
‘Right now, we have about 95 surveys returned,? said Athletic Director Wayne Thompson. ‘It seems to have picked up some momentum the last week or so.?
The athletic surveys are intended for past and present participants in the district’s sports programs, as well as the parents of participants. The survey can be found online at and asks for ratings on equipment, facilities, player development, coaching and the overall experience with Brandon’s sports programs. Respondents can also rate how well athletic officials communicated with athletes and parents regarding school and team rules, team schedules, transportation arrangements, and coaching philosophy and expectations. Comment sections allow for additional input.
The athletic committee first began discussing the creation of a survey in August, concerned with a drop in athletic participation, particularly in the football program. Besides the online version, hard copies of the survey are also available in the athletic office, 1025 S. Ortonville Road and at January athletic events. Surveys should be completed by the end of January. ?
Analysis of the results will take awhile,? Thompson said.
‘We want input to know where people think we are. If we see a recurring theme or problem, then we know what we have to address. We’re trying to make things better.?