Shelby Stewart
Staff Writer
Twenty six students from the Brandon school district scored in the top 1 percent of students in the nation on their recent Northwest Evaluation

Association test.
The NWEA is a non-profit organization that measures academic progress in all 50 states. Students in grades K-10 take this test as a predictor of standardized testing success for the MSTEP or PSAT three times a year.
“What an unbelievable accomplishment by these outstanding students,” said Matt Outlaw, district superintendent. “It’s a great badge of honor for Brandon, something that our parents are very proud of.”
The 26 students were honored at the school board meeting on Feb. 12 with certificates and high fives from the school board, as well as applause from all of the attendees and parents.
The NWEA tests make note of how each student progresses in the subjects of math and reading, and are used by the teachers and students alike to know what subjects students may need help in. However, a number of students excelled on their tests, with 653 students who scored in the top 25 percent in the nation, and 220 who were in the top 25 percent.
“[The tests are] valuable data on student progress for teachers,” said Outlaw.