Brandon Township hires new Parks and Recreation Director

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
Staff Writer
Brandon Twp. — John Hugg is looking forward to getting to know the community.
“Even just last week we had a meeting in the middle of the week, and working for the private sector, getting people to attend a meeting is like pulling teeth,” said Hugg. “I like that people here show up and help and want to make the community better.”
On Aug. 17, Hugg started his position of Brandon Township Parks and Recreation Director prior to the retirement of current director Fred Waybrant. Waybrant is retiring after 24 years, and his last day will be Aug. 31.
The hiring of Hugg was approved by the township board at their regular meeting on August 7.
“I have a degree in recreation management,” said Hugg. “The interest actually started when I was like nine years old. My parents were house-sitting, and there were a bunch of people running by the house, and I just decided to run with them. I ended up finishing the race, and they were all asking where my number was. The people were super nice, I just wanted to join in. That’s kind of where it started.”
From there, Hugg continued to work in parks and recreation. He started as a score keeper at 13 years old for basketball programs, then worked for the parks and recreation department in Howell through high school.
“I was a soccer coach, little league baseball coach,” he said. “Paid and unpaid opportunities. I actually coached the first travel soccer team they every had.”
Following college, Hugg worked as a program director at the YMCA where he ran programming such as camps and swim lessons. He later got a position with Lifetime Fitness, but wanted to get back into parks and recreation after a few years.
“I worked for the city of Troy for eight or nine years, but then I went away from parks and recreation for about ten years,” he said. “But I’ve always wanted to get back into parks and rec. I really enjoy it, I love working with the community.”
Working with the community is something Hugg is passionate about, and he is looking forward to the opportunity to do that.
“I just really like working with the community and finding out what their needs are,” he said. “It makes me feel a lot better when people want to step up and help and make a positive impact.”
Hugg says he will be focusing a lot on programming, and working with the Brandon School District as well as community groups to have expanded programs.
He also plans to get more volunteers out at the township park and involved in parks and recreation to help with maintenance and programming.

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