Brandon Township Library budget discussed

Brandon Twp.- With a nearly $50,000 decline in revenue from last year, Library Director Paula Gauthier announced last month that the library would be open only five days a week beginning in January.
However, the library board will discuss a solution that could keep the library open seven days a week at their next meeting, set for 7 p.m., Aug. 22, at the library, 304 South St.
‘We could ask the public to allow an override on the Headlee Amendment, and by a vote, we could return to 2 mills,? said Gauthier. ‘We will discuss the Headlee override for next year, what it consists of and how we would go about doing that.?
In 1999, voters authorized 2 mills to be levied for library operations. However, under the Headlee Amendment, millages are rolled back to keep growth of revenue to no more than the rate of inflation and the library is now levying only 1.7739 mills because of the rollback.
Gauthier said if voters were to approve a Headlee override, the library would have an additional $96,000 in revenue annually.
‘It would mean we could return to full open hours, open on Fridays and Sundays? seven days a week service,? she said. ‘It would mean additional funds for materials? books, videos, audiobooks, downloadable books and databases.?
A voter approved override would also mean a $12 increase in taxes on a home valued at $100,000 with a taxable value of $50,000.
The override is only for discussion for now, Gauthier said, and definitely would not happen this year.