By Shelby Stewart

Staff Writer
Harvey Swanson Elementary School has a new principal, as approved by the Brandon Board of Education on Monday night.
Starting in the next school year, current k-8 curriculum director Debbie Brauher will be the Harvey-Swanson principal, replacing Andy Phillips who left the district to take a different position in Traverse City.
“I am looking forward to fostering a culture where everyone students, staff, families, everyone is excited about learning, empowered to take risks, and excited to come to Harvey Swanson,” said Brauher. “And being with kids every day, getting into classrooms, collaborating with families, sharing ideas. I’m just really looking forward to creating positive relationships where everyone just feels excited and empowered and take the risk to keep on learning.”
Brauher has worked in the district for 28 years, and has previously taught various different grades. She was voted Oakland County teacher of the year in 2010 and she was also the leader of the academy before she took the position of K-8 curriculum director.
“She’s going to do a great job,” said district superintendent Dr. Matt Outlaw.
Brauher says that while she is excited for the new position, she is going to miss the collaboration with the middle and both elementaries of her previous position. She says that she is going to miss being able to share information with the other principals and teachers that would make their teaching process more meaningful and powerful.
“I’m extremely thankful for this opportunity, I feel very honored,” she said. “I’m just beside myself with thankfulness and I look forward to making it a great year.”