BREAKING NEWS: Alleged gun incident at Clear Lake Elementary

The Oxford Leader has received reports of an alleged gun threat at an area elementary school.
According to the school district’s communications coordinator Linda Lewis, Oakland County Sheriffs responded on Wednesday afternoon to an Oxford resident’s report of a person entering Clear Lake Elementary School with what appeared to be handgun.
The school went into lockdown while law enforcement officials searched for the person and the handgun. The building was secured and returned to operation without incident.
According to Sgt. Scott Patterson, Oxford township substation commander, police were on the scene as soon as they heard the report and immediately searched the area, following all leads about the alleged gun-wielding school visitor.
Patterson said that no one was found matching the description offered of the alleged visitor in or around the school, nor is there any evidence to suggest that any such individual or handgun ever entered the school. Patterson was appreciative of the citizen’s call, but is aware that these reports can be erroneous.
That appears to be the case in this incident. There is no 55-year old male suspect wearing a park ranger shirt which law enforcement have in mind. Patterson considers the matter resolved and likely only a product of a report from a diligent, though mistaken, citizen.