Briefs – Orion Township Consent Agenda

Outdoor Assembly License Application-The Orion Township board approved an Outdoor Assembly License by ATI Industrial Automation for its annual ATI Open House on Aug. 16 The event will consist of indoor training classes and a lunch served outdoors.

Road Closure Resolutions-The Orion Township board approved road closures for the 5K Souls to Soles Run/Walk fundraiser for the Lake orion Loves Children organization on June 30 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. The route will begin at Orion Township hall and head north on the Joslyn Road safety path, to the Clarkston Road safety path, east to Polly Ann Trail and south back to township hall.
The Lake Orion Rotary Club duathlon (5K run and 20K bike) will be held July 21 from 8:30 a.m. to approximately 11:30 a.m. on the streets surrounding Lake Orion High School. Athletes will be running and riding bicycles primarliy on Greenshield, Kern, and Clarkston Roads, through Round Tree Subdivision, and through the Bald Mountain state recreation area.

SMART Municipal Credit Contract – Orion Township Board approved the SMART Munipal Credit Contract for 2013. The amount the township is eligible to recieve is $31,882, which is the same as 2012.
The funds will be used to help the Township’s Participation in North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA), which will reduce the amont needed from the township’s general fund.

Election Commision Appointment – The resignation of Mark Crane from the Board of Trustees has also left a vacancy on the Election Commission. The board approved Trustee Mike Flood to fill the vacant seat. Flood’s term expires on November 20, 2012.

Solicitation request – A request from VFW Post 334 to conduct their Annual buddy Poppy Drive from May 10 to May 12 was approved as part of the consent agenda at the April 2 Orion Township Board Meeting. In the past the Board had exempted nonprofit organization from a number of sections normally required as part of this request. Background checks were also exempted.

2012 Road Chloride Program – For the past few years the Township has paid for chloriding the public gravel roads in the Township. Last year there was 33.67 miles of road treated. The list of roads in the program has been reviewed with Maintenance Supervisor Chris Doll of the Road Commission for Oakland County. A number of short streets ranging from 150 feet to 616 feet have been added to the list of treated roads. The option before the board was to either award a bid for road chloriding to the Road Commission, to the Road Maintenance Corp. or to not award the bid. The Road Commission was awarded the bid despite being the high bidder, mostly due to citizen concerns over Road Maintenance Corp’s job quality in 2011.