Brownies learn manners at tea party

The 15 first grade girls in Clarkston Elementary’s Brownie Troop 1931 had a unique opportunity to learn about restaurant manners and hospitality recently at a special tea party luncheon hosted by Fran Avey, owner of 221 B Baker Street.
Avey, along with server Stacey Rabideau, helped the troop members earn their Manners Try-It badge which included a focus on greeting people, table manners, how to host a party and respect for others.
Avey discussed manners and food safety including the different ways in which various foods are served.
The girls tried buffet style appetizers, a plated lunch and family style dessert offerings where the girls would take one pastry and pass the plate on to their table mates.
The interactive tea party also allowed the girls to practice introducing themselves to each other and to remember that saying ‘please? and ‘thank you? goes a long way in the manners department.
Avey, who hosts tea parties at 221 B Baker Street twice a month on Saturdays during the winter months, was excited to plan an event for the mostly six-year-old crowd.
She still used her fine china, but opted to serve fruit punch and water instead of hot tea which suited this group perfectly.
‘My husband earned his Eagle Scout award (the highest honor in Boy Scouts) as a teenager and we have a deep respect for the importance of scouting,? Avey said. ‘The girls are great and we’re having a lot of fun.?
The parents who attended also were treated to a wonderful meal and the opportunity to relax and enjoy chatting in a quaint and warm atmosphere.
‘We are so grateful that Fran opened her restaurant special for us today and provided our troop with a hands on way to learn about manners in such an elegant and cozy setting,? said co-leader Dawn Frasa. ‘Fran is such a giving and thoughtful business owner and we are so lucky to have someone like her in the Clarkston area.?
Brownie Troop 1931 is part of the Clarkston Service Unit of the Fairwinds Girl Scout Council.