Business with a very big heart

Dear Editor:
Thank you to Lucy’s Feed Store of Goodrich.
Genesys Diagnostics (Radiology), adopted a family for Christmas, as we usually do. This family happens to have a cat and a dog. I went to Lucy’s Feed Store in Goodrich and asked them for some ‘samples? of dog and/or cat food to give to our adopted family, and found they, too, have a big heart. Instead of samples, I was given big bags of cat and dog food! The store owner said, ‘We are happy to donate.?
In today’s slow economy, this store owner was more concerned about helping out a family in need than making a buck for himself.
Thank you so much, Lucy’s Feed Store, for your kindness.
Happy Holidays to a business with a big heart.
Vicki Douglas
Genesys Diagnostics