Carnival, bands and fireworks, oh my!

Bring ‘your lawn chair or blanket and get ready for a good time!?
That was Ron Davis? invitation for everyone to come on out to Seymour Lake Township Park on Friday, July 6 and Saturday, July 7 for the Fourth Annual Seymour Celebration.
Davis, the drirector of the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department, is very excited about this year’s event.
Visitors can expect a jam-packed weekend full of family-friendly entertainment and activities. Davis assured this reporter there will be fun ‘for every age? at the Seymour Celebration.
For instance, on Friday, July 6, the Celebration will run a Carnival & Midway rides (Friday, 5-11 p.m.and Saturday from 12 noon -11 p.m.) Arm bands for a single day of rides are $20 at the park or $17 if purchased on-line.
So that kids of all ages can beat the heat, the park will have the KLR Splashpad operating each day from 11 a.m -7 p.m. Bring an extra towel and some sunscreen.
Music lovers and patriots will be pleased by the weekend’s entertainment. Musical guests are provided by Jam for Vets, a nonprofit group based in Lake Orion that connects veterans and civilians through the gift of music. (See story on Page 4)
The first Jam for Vets band is a band called ‘Soul Quest,? and they will play Friday night from 7 to 10:15 p.m. ‘If you’re a fan of the band Chicago,? Davis said, ‘it’s them and they’re awesome!? Soul Quest is an easy-listening 12 piece band with plenty of brass to satisfy horn lovers.
Saturday’s lineup of bands feature more artists from the Jam for Vets stable, including Sweet Crystal (12 noon-2:45 p.m.), The Spoonful Blues Band (2-3:45 p.m.), the Blue Eyed Blues (6-7:45 p.m.), and the Bush Pilots (8-10 p.m.).
Davis is happy to be able to book the popular veterans organization.
Celebration visitors will “not only experience some really good music, but also help some of our fallen heroes and give back that way,” Davis shared.
After the bands leave the stage, park visitors will be treated to firework displays beginning at approximately at 10:15 p.m. both nights. Friday night’s display will last 15 minutes, while Saturday’s show will light up the sky for a full 30 minutes.
If you’ve been to past Seymour Celebrations, then you know what a treat these firework shows can be.
Brought to Seymour by Colonial Fireworks out of Toledo, OH, this event will provide plenty of oohs! and aahs! for Celebration attendees.
‘So many people send in letter afterwards saying how much they enjoyed the show, (and say) it’s one of the best fireworks shows they’ve ever seen,? the Parks and Rec director said.
Of the two day-event, Saturday is the big day. Food, drinks, and games will be available in the Vendors Alley, with ‘quite a few local businesses com(ing) out (to) display their products,? Davis said.
Saturday will also be the day for a memorial dedication to the late Alyce Prince, who served on the Parks and Recreation Board of Commissioners.
Davis and the current Parks and Rec. Board will dedicate the softball complex in her name.
Davis remembers her as ‘a dynamic lady who did so much not only for the softball program, but for the (Parks and Rec) department and the community. It’s a nice tribute to her and everything she did for us.?
So if you’re ready to usher in the Oxford summer in style, come on down to Seymour Lake Park July 6-7.
Davis and the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Board invite you to “bring a lawn chair, a blanket if you want; bring a picnic basket and some water and drinks . . . come out and make a day of it.??
To order tickets for the Seymour Parks Celebration, visit or call the Department of Parks and Recreation at (248) 628-1720 if you have any questions.