Rachael Traver, 17, represented Clarkston last weekend at the Miss Cheerleader of America Competition in Lansing. Traver, who is now a senior at Clarkston High School, started cheerleading nine years ago because her friends were doing it. Now she is one of only 53 girls who represented Michigan at the competition. Miss Cheerleader of America […]
History is an important part of any community. Luckily for this area, the Clarkston Community Historical Society is going great lengths to make sure local history is preserved. The group is spearheaded by President Jennifer Arkwright, Museum Director Toni Smith and Secretary Kim Huttenlocher. ‘Our mission is to educate people on Clarkston history. It is […]
Two new Clarkston collectibles have been released. As part of the Clarkston High School Parent Teacher Student Association’s only fundraiser, co-chair Kathie Valeri Carroll announced the Garter Building and Morgan’s Service Station are the latest pieces to the collection featuring wooden painted replicas of historical Clarkston buildings. A closer look shows: ‘The Garter Building, at […]
All the fun of high school graduation in Clarkston, including the all-night party and senior picnic, has been made possible by the generous donations of those in the community. In acknowledgment, members of the 2003 Post-Grad Committee at Clarkston High School and graduating seniors, recognized representatives from Palace Sports and Entertainment for their contributions. Derek […]
Sunday, May 25, a 27-year-old woman on Mary Sue was arrested for a domestic assualt against her husband. A 28-year-old man was arrested on Dixie for operating under the influence of liquor, a second offense, and driving with a suspended license, also a second offense. A larceny from an unlocked vehicle occurred on Wellesley Terrace. […]
STATE OF Michigan COUNTY OF OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE ANDERSONVILLE SEWER IMPROVEMENT AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Date: Juno 3, 2003 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Township Library 6495 Clarkston Road Clarkston, MI Having received petitions from the record owners of more than 50% of the land within a proposed district, the Charter […]
TOWNSHIP BOARD AGENDA 7:30 p.m. TOWNSHIP LIBRARY DATE: June 03, 2003 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Opening Statements and Correspondence 5. Approval of Agenda 6. Public Forum – Individuals in the audience have the opportunity to address the Township Board an an issue that is not an the […]
SYNOPSIS TAKEN BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE Supervisor Stuart called the May 20, 2003 meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Independence Township Library. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Present: Kelly, McCrary, Rosso, Stuart, Wagner, Wenger, Travis Absent: None There is a quorum. 1. Amended the Agenda. – Removed Old […]
STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE SASHABAW CORRIDOR DRAIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Date: June 3, 2003 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Township Library 6495 Clarkston Road Clarkston, MI Having received petitions from the record owners of more than 50% of the land within a proposed district, the Charter Township […]