‘Concert’ series take place in Children’s Park

The Downtown Lake Orion Promotion Committee will hold a series of free concerts in the gazebo at Children’s Park in the village, on Wednesday early evenings. The concerts will feature a variety of entertainment, from music to poetry, and will be held beginning July 16 for six weeks until Aug. 20. The Lake Orion Village […]


Can someone help Melanie, a homeowner on Overlake Drive? She’s giving a $100 reward for the return of a red-wheeled walker. The walker disappeared on May 15 during a Long Lake Woods garage sale. It was specially designed for a child with cerebral palsy. Call Melanie at 248-693-2507. No questions asked. My only question is […]

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor, I have been a longtime subscriber to your newspaper and have enjoyed it, but I’m upset by a recent trend. The Looking Back column has always been a favorite, but in the past few years it has started repeating some very hurtful articles. I question the reasoning for this. Is it to make […]

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor, I’m a 20 year old student who’s attending the Lake Orion Adult Education program. This program is needed for a lot of people for a lot of different reasons. My reason for writing this is that I have a goal. My goal is to be a nurse in the labor and delivery section […]

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor, Your newspaper reported Orion Township had a 1 percent better voter turnout than Oakland Township. The reason for this and lesson for apathetic voters is the following: As a candidate, I campaigned all day, as did another candidate at Orion’s Precinct 6. There was a very low turnout. Many times in the morning […]

From The Lake Orion Archives

Ten Years Ago May 26, 1993 ~~~An additional two to three mills will appear on village tax bills if voters approve $1.7 million in bonds for water supply improvement. ~~~Township trustees kept some of their November 1992 campaign promises by cutting special meeting compensations, ending longevity pay for the supervisor, clerk and treasurer and giving […]

Jumping Beans going to AAU Junior Olympics

The Lake Orion Jumping Beans are a competitive jump rope team that got started last fall by coach Dena Thomas. They recently participated in a AAU Jump Rope Qualifier competition in Brighton. There were 123 competitors in all, comprised of 12 different teams. The outstanding achievements of the team resulted in ten of the Lake […]

Students prepare for global marketplace

The 2003 Global Trade Mission was held May 1-3 at Oakland Community College (OCC), Auburn Hills Campus. The 5th annual Oakland County Global Trade Mission (GTM) served as an introduction to international trade and business for high school students. Participants from Lake Orion High School were Kojo Asiedu, Melinda Bringard, Dan Bryant, Andrew Gray, Andrea […]

From The Laek Orion Review

Monday, May 19, larceny occurred at a home on Central. A vehicle on Buena Vista was taken without permission. An accident took place in Sero’s parking lot on South Broadway. A cell phone was stolen from Bonzai Bob’s on Front Street. *** Tuesday, May 20, an air conditioner was stolen on Park Island. *** Wednesday, […]

Orion Township

NOTICE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION VACANCIES SAFETY PATH ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Charter Township of Orion is seeking interested residents to serve on the Safety Path Advisory Committee. If you wish to be considered for appointment, please submit a letter of interest, with qualifications and experience, by June 9, 2003, at 4:00 p.m., to: Charter Township […]