Brentwood Drive, in The Preserve Subdivision, will close temporarily on Aug. 31 for a block party. The street will close from 4-10 p.m. The Orion Township Board of Trustees approved the request and it was reviewed by the fire chief, DPW director and Oakland County Sheriff’s Department.
A public hearing on the proposed 2004 budget for Orion Township is scheduled for Sept. 2 at Orion Township Hall. The hearing will be at 8 p.m. The township is required by state statute to hold a public hearing on the proposed annual budget. The township must also set millage rates for 2003 and submit […]
The Orion Oxford Soccer League has donated a pair of portable soccer goals to the Orion Township Parks and Recreation Department. The goals will replace a set of goals that were rusting out on fields 5 and 6 at Civic Center Park. The goals are valued at $3,539 a pair, and meet township specifications. The […]
A joint public hearing with the Orion Township trustees and the planning commission will be held at the regular planning commission meeting on Sept. 17, regarding the Hemingway Estates Planned Unit Development. The hearing will be held at 7:15 p.m. at Orion Township Hall. The PUD project proposes 31 single-family units located on the west […]
Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency will be distributing free food through the Emergency Food Assistance Program at the CERC building, 455 East Scripps Road in Lake Orion, on Sept. 10, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. All people who are income eligible and not registered may do so at the site by bringing social security cards for all […]
She may be a new face to the children’s department at the Orion Township Library, but Kristen Cornacchia is no stranger to children. A mom of two, the new children’s librarian is a former Clarkston elementary school teacher who was looking for a new challenge after being a stay-at-home mom and Gymboree teacher for four […]
This year Bill Reiss will have a different view from his office window at Lake Orion High School. On July 1, Reiss, formerly an associate principal, was named the new athletic director, replacing Jim Wood who retired on June 30. Reiss, 52, is going into his 31st year with Lake Orion Schools. “I started at […]
Another of life’s most embarrassing moments… Ex-husband Mike was in town for a couple of days last week. He and I were chatting away and for some reason he brought up Bob Hope. Of course, I had to relate my famous Bob Hope story that I’ve been telling to people for years. I told Mike […]
I think urban sprawl needs to have some control. Too much of the farmlands and wetlands are disappearing from the landscape. I would like to suggest that developers not be able to build within 50 to 100 miles of wetlands and farmlands. And Michigan farmers should be given a bigger tax break. I worked on […]
Here’s a little experience I had a couple of days ago. Our Comcast monthly statement arrived. I opened it, looking for the senior discount I was promised during a visit to its new “customer service center” in a building with no sign way over on Maybee Road — real convenient to us Orion people. The […]