The Addison Senior Center Rummage Sale is set for September 11 and 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donations can be dropped off at the center September 8 – 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day. For more information, please contact either Julie Campbell or Ann Bridges at 248-628-3388.
The Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce is having its First Annual Women’s Expo Thursday, October 2, at the Salvation Army Echo Grove Camp. “October is National Women’s Month and we are seeking nominations for outstanding women in our community,” says Dale Johnson, Women’s Expo chairperson. Please send a letter describing a special woman you feel […]
nWhat: Goodrich Board of Educa- tion special meeting nWhere: The Goodrich High School in the Community Room, 8029 S. Gale Road nWhen: Sept. 8, 6 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.
September 2 at 8:30 a.m., Oxford Christian Academy (OCA) began its 31st year of providing the best in Christian education for the families in the greater Oxford community. Without a glitch, each teacher welcomed every student and got the school day off to a great start! In August of 1973, the First Baptist Church of […]
The deadline for the person who will be named “Citizen of the Year,” is Sept. 10. Any resident of The Citizen’s circulation area may be nominated. We’re looking for someone who has demonstrated active, well-rounded participation in community affairs as a resident — someone who personifies what makes our community special. Those with suggestions are […]
The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event has been scheduled for September 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Commerce Township. Residents of participating communities, which includes Oxford and Addison Township residents, can participate. Please call the NO HAZ Hotline to make a drop-off appointment or for more information, 248-858-5656 or go on the web […]
Brandon Schools-Instead of visiting the Land Down Under, the Aussies came to H.T. Burt Elementary. On Wed., Sept. 3, students met face to face with meek flying sugar squirrels, slithering boa constrictors, a blue tongued skink, and hopping-est of all a three foot tall bennets wallaby. All animals represent the many regions of Australia from […]
The following is public information from official documents, including written statements, handwritten eyewitness accounts, court recordings and press releases from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department substation, Brandon Township, and the Michigan State Police post in Groveland Township. Larceny on Stanton On Aug. 28 a Stanton resident discovered her cell phone was missing from her vehicle. […]
What: Brandon Summer Taxes When: By Sept. 15 at 5 p.m. Where: Brandon Township Treasurers Office, PO Box 929, 395 Mill St., Ortonville, MI 48462 A secured drop box is located on the southeast corner of the building.
While Don is vacation we are running this, ‘Best of Column,? first published in September of 2002. * * * It’s been well over a week since the phone gods brought down their reign of terror over us mortals. We, of flesh and blood and bone, who have had the unfortunate destiny to live in […]