From cheering for the Blue and Gold of Oxford to cheering for the Maize and Blue of the University of Michigan, Amanda Szabo has come a long way. The 2003 Oxford High Shool graduate is one of the newest editions to the U-M cheerleading team. The college freshman now spends her Saturday afternoons in the […]
Drahner Road is under siege and the Road Commission for Oakland County has taken action to protect it. The commission recently banned all “trucks and other commercial vehicles” from traveling Drahner Road between Lapeer and Rochester Roads in Oxford and Addison townships until Oct. 28. Trucks making local deliveries constitute the only exception to the […]
An out-of-town contractor was cited last week for the alleged theft of township water from a fire hydrant behind the Oxford Meijer. The New Haven-based Pamar Enterprises, Inc. was ticketed for allegedly violating two township ordinances when the driver of one of its tanker trucks was discovered Sept. 3 allegedly using a fire hydrant to […]
The times they are a changin’ – and Oxford Area Community Schools is having to change right along with them. Thanks to growth across the area, school officials have seen a notable increase in the number of students who do not speak English fluently. “We are finally seeing a lot of the diversity that southern […]
When you look at the “Children’s Community Service Garden” at Scripter Park, you see tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, beans and a variety of other fresh and tasty summer vegetables. But what you don’t see is the caring, kindness, community spirit and positive experiences being cultivated in the hearts and minds of the kids who tend […]
Edward Cline enjoys working with children. So when an opportunity came for him to perform some community service while interacting with his favorite group of people, he jumped at the chance. “I like helping people and teaching the young ones something,” said the 59-year-old Addison Township resident. “People have been teaching me all my life […]
Back when I was a budding young conservative journalist battling the lunatic Left at U-M, it used to drive me crazy when the Michigan Student Assembly (our feeble student government) would debate and approve resolutions that had nothing to do with their real role on campus. MSA passed numerous resolutions opposing wars in far-off countries, […]
10 years ago September 8, 1993 The new state school-aid act is expected to cut about $700,000 to Oxford Schools. The day-care license of Oxford Montessori school has been revoked, but the school has remained open. Beverly Armsdon was sentenced Thursday to 320 years in prison for hiring someone to kill her husband, Willis. A […]
A star has come among us – errr, swam among us that is – and he’s waiting at Tom’s Hardware for you! Tom Toteff, Sr., the owner of Tom’s Hardware, is now also the proud owner of a 10-foot long, 200-pound display featuring Finding Nemo stars Bruce the shark, Dori and of course, Nemo himself. […]
Coach Bud Rowley hopes his Oxford Wildcats learned some valuable lessons in its 28-7 loss on Saturday to Birmingham Brother Rice. The team committed five turnovers, three of which were converted into touchdowns by Rice as the Cats dropped their first game of the year. Following the game, Rowley told his young squad that they […]